
Letter: The importance of voting isn't just about our own interests

M.Wright9 hr ago

Thanks to the Post-Dispatch for giving young people a chance to voice their opinions about voting with the recent series of op-eds. I have been very impressed. However, the column by Javon Calmese, " I'm still researching who to vote for. (Or whether to.) " (June 19), was disheartening and sad.

I urge Calmese to become informed about candidates and issues in the 2024 election. Listen to the candidates, at all levels, local and national, and hear their plans and ideas for the future of our city, state, and country.

Yes, prices keep rising (haven't they always?) and CEOs keep getting huge raises for doing so. But I vote not just for me. My vote can help determine how well we take care of all our citizens and preserve our place in the free world.

My rights and privileges as an American require not just my vote, but our collective vote. It's the only thing that can preserve our fragile democracy.

As Americans, we've not always lived up to our ideals (sometimes far from it), but I vote because I have hope in our democracy and our constitution. Please don't give up, Javon.

Dorothy Newell

St. Louis County