
Letter to the editor: A life's lesson

V.Rodriguez9 hr ago

On the night of June 24th, I was privileged to announce the Little League 11-12 year old Just Say No championship game at historic Simmons Field. It featured a superb contest between The Spot and Madrigrano, Aiello, Santarelli, better known as MAS.

With the winning run perched on third base and two outs, Benny Santarelli made a crucial play at shortstop to extend the game into extra innings. It took MAS one more frame to claim victory.

As the game ended, words reverberated in my mind as I recalled a sports announcer's comment after the late Franco Harris made the "Immaculate Reception" in the Oakland Raider-Pittsburgh Steeler football playoff game in 1972. He simply said, "If you win take success with pride, but don't forget Lady Luck rode by your side." Luck was on Benny's side, and he rode it to victory.

Each of us have somewhere in our lives drawn either a lucky or unlucky straw. it was a short straw that sent me on an Army tour of duty to Vietnam. That falls far short of the tall straws I drew for my future wife, eventual children and grandchildren, a wonderful teaching career, active participation in Little League, 51 years as Prairie Lane intramural instructor, and veterans organizations all while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, our luck as a society has become a patchy tapestry. Foul language has overtaken common sense. Road rage signals a one finger response. Children have become the hapless victims of disgruntled parents.

My advice: Reflect daily on a lucky moment of your life, and if your dice should inadvertently come up snake eyes take in a Little League game. It's a great elixir for ailments.

Milt Dean, Kenosha