
Letter to the editor: The GSL is more important than downtown revitalization

N.Thompson2 hr ago
Where city and state leaders decide to spend our limited tax dollars speaks volumes as to what they value. On the one hand, we can spend $900 million of our tax dollars on entertainment upgrades (e.g., The Capital Revitalization Project). Another option is to put full focus on saving the Great Salt Lake and the $2.5B in commerce it creates for the state.

We live in a great city with great entertainment options, such as the Jazz, the Utes and pro hockey. We have some of the greatest outdoor entertainment in the world and we have The Eccles Theatre for music, theatre and dance. We are extremely fortunate in terms of entertainment options. So why do we need the Capital City Revitalization Project?

Let's start by asking who benefits most from the project. Does our average citizen benefit from a 0.5% sales tax increase that impacts everyone for 30 years? This tax will provide the Smith Group with $900 million (although it is also contributing $3 billion to the project). But what benefit does it provide to our neighbors who are just getting by?

We also know the Great Salt Lake is at significant risk and a major threat to our economy and our health. A comprehensive study by BYU points out that the toxic dust and loss of our natural wetlands has far reaching implications to our families. And if we do not act aggressively now, we could lose the Great Salt Lake in as little as five years .

Let's tell Mayor Mendenhall , the Salt Lake City council and our state representatives that we value the GSL more than the Capital City Revitalization Zone. Let's protect Utah jobs and defend the health of our families.