
Letter: We were better off under Donald Trump

J.Wright25 min ago
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I am afraid that we are turning into a country that many baby boomers will not recognize if the Democrats prevail in November. The so-called Justice Department recently released a letter by the person who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump at the golf course offering $150,000 to anyone who could complete the job. Why would they release the contents of this letter? Won't this just incite more crazy people?

If anyone was to make a threat against a sitting member of Congress I would bet money that the FBI, CIA, NSA and Secret Service would all be knocking on their door that same day. What this says to me is the left is horrified that Trump could be elected. The above listed law enforcement agencies are supposed to protect all Americans, especially those that we the people elect to high office. It seems to me that the only people they want to protect are themselves.

When Trump left office the border was more secure. We were fuel self-sufficient. Gas was around $2 a gallon and inflation was much less than right now. Our military was strong.