
LETTERS: No wonder. E-scooter ridership is soaring. So is parking on sidewalks and trails.

J.Wright1 hr ago

I was not surprised to learn that there has been a 40% increase in electric scooter ridership in Milwaukee (" Electric scooter ridership is up 40%, " Sept. 14).

Living downtown I encounter these riders daily — mostly on the sidewalks. What I was surprised to read is that 93% of these scooters were reported as being parked "properly." Does the term "properly" include parking on sidewalks or on the Oak Leaf Trail impeding bikers and runners — or in the lake?

The noted that Lime hired a "presentation specialist" in mid-August to patrol city streets and fix improperly parked vehicles. Seems like if there is a 93% compliance parking rate, this company would not have had to deploy a presentation specialist, especially toward the end of the summer season.

Electric scooters are back. Don't ruin them for everyone else.

It's the deep state's fault. Ron Johnson has mysteries of Kennedy, Nixon and Trump solved.

As I mentioned previously, these scooters frequently use the sidewalks instead of roads, which endangers pedestrians. It is clearly marked on the vehicle itself that sidewalk riding is prohibited.

Given the increase of reckless driving in the city, I understand why these riders would take to the sidewalks, but that does not justify this violation. I am not opposed to this method of transportation, but the city must enforce their own rules and find ways to decrease reckless driving so that we can share our roads safely.

Diana Nickerson, Milwaukee

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