
LETTERS: Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee must now realize he erred in education commissioner pick

R.Taylor2 hr ago

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Why is Lizzette Reynolds still Tennessee education commissioner? This woman is not qualified to hold the position and should never have been appointed in the first place.

Obviously, because of her background, Gov. Bill Lee appointed her to help him pass his universal voucher plan for the public schools in the state.

She then enrolled to take classes to become a certified teacher, and received tuition assistance from University of Tennessee Martin , which she was not entitled to – because her primary residence was in Texas!

She recently took two unauthorized out-of-state trips to education conferences that were "pro-privatization" (re: anti-public school), and paid for by ExcelinEd, her former employer.

When Rep. Caleb Hemmer, D-Nashville lodged a complaint with the ethics committee, Gov. Lee's buddies on the ethics committee said that if she paid back the expenses for the conferences and admitted to no wrongdoing, no further action was necessary. Anybody else would have been fired.

Surely there must be a Tennessean more qualified, ethical and competent that her to do this job.

Rob Pilling, Nashville 37215

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