
Library Reading Program Drumming up support in Peoria

D.Adams11 hr ago
PEORIA ( 25News Now ) - With drums as a backdrop Tuesday, Peoria students learned about Africa, singing, and the importance of reading over the summer.

The Lincoln branch of Peoria's library hosted a drummer, who was none other than 25News Today anchor - now retired - Garry Moore.

He was helping host a summer reading program that drew a big crowd with African storytelling as the theme.

Engaging young minds, the goal.

"So, it's important for us to emphasize with students nowadays that they should be lifelong leaners, that they should always be curious. It's a big, beautiful world out there, beautiful universe. They're going to be out future leaders. So, it's important for us to stimulate them as much as we can," Moore said.

Organizers have a special summer program running at all five public library locations.

And students who join the summer reading program can also choose a prize, every week.