
Local business hosting coat drive for unsheltered people in Springfield

J.Rodriguez13 days ago
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — With winter weather on the horizon, one local business owner is using his former experience as an unsheltered person to help others who may be in the same situation.

Dirty Dough, a gourmet cookie store in Springfield, is preparing to host a coat and winter item drive to make sure people aren't going without this winter.

"A lot of the time growing up, I didn't know where I was going to sleep that night," Aldridge said.

Local business owner and realtor Isaac Aldridge spent the majority of his childhood without a consistent place to call home. Now, he is finding a way to make sure those in the same situation will be warm this winter.

"It's really important to have clothing that can not just warm you up, but keep you warm and protect you from those things because it is very dangerous, honestly, to be out in the cold during certain parts of the winter," Aldridge said.

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Through the rest of this month and into December, Aldrige and Dirty Dough will be collecting winter items such as coats, hats and gloves for any unsheltered person who may need the extra help, such as Timmy Cockrun.

"My whole life changed since I lost my leg and things get pretty hard," Cockrun said.

Cockrun has been unsheltered off and on for the last seven years. He says winter supplies can be hard to come by for those without a place to call home, so donations like this are truly beneficial.

"You lose a lot of things when you're on the streets and usually it's hard to kind of carry around coats and stuff," Cockrun said. "So, when the winter hits, usually we're not ready for it."

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Since Aldridge has a familiar background, he says everyone, no matter their history, deserves a chance.

"We really don't want to discriminate against anyone based on their experiences," Aldridge said. "We just want to help anyone who needs it get to a place of safety where they can live a fulfilling life."

The link to give Diry Dough an idea of what you will be donating can be found here. This also includes those who donate to the newsletter for updates on the drive and any future projects.