
Local opinion: Parents' guide to create a kinder and gentler world

A.Lee49 min ago

Ours isn't the only worthy culture. Survey the possibilities of tapping into the wisdom of tribes, nations and people scattered across the globe.

Gentleness toward others often returns the kindness. It will pay in spades.

Empathize with those who are less fortunate than you are in life. Empathizing means you're trying to say that you feel their pain because you, too, have felt similar pain in the past.

Celebrate joy in this sometimes-joyless world. The song ''Joy to the World'' should be the anthem of the universe. That would serve us all well singing in unison.

Embrace this idea although grace is a tough concept to wrap your head around. Grace is truly amazing.

Open-mindedness is a gift to yourself. Open your mind, open your spirit and open your outlook. This will pay dividends in your life. This will pay with interest.

It will spark your mind. Ask Benjamin Franklin if this isn't so. He'll be certain to verify this as a fact.

That's a win/win proposition. Try to tolerate even those who are obnoxious. That's a badge of courage. Courage always carries the day.

Helpfulness begins with helping the needy and is the most generally appreciated attribute of all. We need this spirit in our quiver of arrows to defeat hopelessness. Aim those arrows straight.

How glum the world would be without this universal appreciation. For songs The Star-Spangled Banner might be a good starting point and for dancing you can't miss with dancing from Zorba the Greek.

The results might astound you. Inside the box is too confining. Trust me, I've often been locked in that very box and it didn't serve me well.

These keep the world afloat. Ethical standards often escape us and that's a terrible shame. What would the world be like without these guiding-light standards?

What could be more important in life than this wonderful "window unto the world"? Trust me — nothing is more valuable. Try to find one thing more illuminating.

We're "goners'" without it. Just ask Native Americans if you don't believe this. Ask African tribesmen. Ask tribal people in South and Central America. It's sustained them for eons.

Enjoyment of babies and the joy they bring to grandmothers and grandfathers and other family members. Keep those cute baby pictures coming.

Where's a better storehouse of knowledge than the study of history? Now there's an idea to chew on. From ancient to modern-the study of history affords all of us the story of human advancement from ape to hominid to modern man. What a celebratory thing to think about.

Patience, they say, is a virtue. Use it and your world will get far less complicated.

A good belly laugh will light up the heavens with sparklers. You'll ask "Why was I so depressed?" when that incident was so laughable?

Love and peace to all across the universe.

James Herman is a retired veteran, teacher in private and public schools and published author.

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