
Lubbock resident opens thrift store aiming to help veterans in need

B.Martinez26 min ago
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - Darlene Snider is the owner of Veterans Thrift Store of Lubbock and a veteran herself.

She says she was inspired to open the store to help out the veterans any way she can, the same way she was helped.

"I have been homeless, I have had just some general financial hardships" Snider said. "And there's always been a veteran or veterans agency that has been by my side when I go through that and it inspired me."

VetStar peer service coordinator Dennis Boyd says he is proud to be a part of Snider's journey.

"Darlene called me about six weeks ago and I was super excited because there was a huge need, a huge need," Boyd said.

But to make her dream a reality, Snider says she needs the community's help.

"I definitely could use donations of any kind because whether they are items I can give to veterans or they're items I can sell in the store to help raise funds," Snider said. "So, I can do even more in the future to help them financially."

Veterans in need can go to their veterans agency such as VetStar to get in contact with Snider.

"The representatives will give me a call and say, 'hey, I have a veteran in need,' we will agree on the item and we will see if i have them in my store," Snider said. "And they will do a voucher and the vet can come in with that voucher and can get every item for free."

Tammy Lowrey, commander for Women's Veterans of America ,thanks those who support.

"People understand that we're present here. The veteran community is getting bigger as well as the women's veterans community," Lowrey said. "The availability to have something like this is is wonderful."

Snider says she wants every veteran to feel loved.

"Whether you're a veteran or you have a brother or wife or sister that's a veteran, you know, we need help," Snider said. "And there are people I don't want them to feel alone."