
Lufkin Art Guild hosts fall show to display work of area artists

K.Hernandez1 hr ago
LUFKIN, Texas (KTRE) - Pieces from local, national and international artists fill the chapel at the Museum of East Texas. They are all part of the Lufkin Art Guild's Fall Art Show. The artwork has already been judged and artists have received their ribbons.

"I could not believe it; I was so excited. I tried not to show any expression at all and everyone wondered what was wrong with me but I'm really excited," Joyce Jackson, an artist who won best of show, said.

She has been painting for many years. However, her piece that won best in show took her about 6 weeks to complete that includes many breaks. It is an acrylic painting, which she has been doing for the last 15 years.

"This right here, that was the thing that started me on the paint because I liked the yellow line that was a reflection of the bridge, and I decided that I was going to play off of that. When I paint it if I really like it I put it in the show, if not you will never see it again," Jackson said.

Like her there are many stories behind the artwork and the artist who created them. This is one of the reasons the Lufkin Art Guild hosts this art show twice a year.

"I think people tend to forget that there are so many artists in this area and that there's so much talent. The art show is a really good way of showing that off. This is showing off the talent that is available to you right here in Lufkin," Aubrey Prunty, the vice president of the Lufkin Art Guild, said.

Artists who are a part of the art guild can enter their work. To name a few categories: paintings, jewelry, sculptures can be submitted.

"This is an excellent opportunity for local artists to showcase their work to gain some recognition and those who win those ribbons can actually compete in the Lone Star which is a greater art guild we're under," Prunty said.

A message that Jackson gives to those that are interested in viewing and even learning about some of the techniques is for people to attend to learn.

"There are going to be so many great artists. They will be happy to talk to anyone about their work. Please come talk to them and find out what they do," Jackson said.

The show is open to the public on Friday, September 20th and Saturday, September 21st starting at 1 p.m. Admission is free. Visitors will have the chance to vote on their favorite piece, giving artists the chance to win Peoples' Choice competition. For a dollar, people can enter a raffle to win an art piece at no cost. Lastly, some of the artwork in the show will be available to purchase.