
Man allegedly strikes victim with pipe, tells police 'I want to repent for my sins'

B.Lee13 hr ago

A man allegedly "whacked" another man with a pipe because the victim did not allow the man to drive his truck.

On Tuesday afternoon, Guam Police Department officers received information about a physical disturbance in Dededo and arrived to see Keven Enlet, 22, "mounted atop" a man whose shirt was ripped in half and was later observed to be bleeding from his lower lip, a magistrate's complaint filed in the Superior Court of Guam stated.

A woman present at the scene told officers that Enlet uses methamphetamine and around 3:30 p.m. asked the victim, a man known to Enlet, for the keys to the victim's vehicle.

"(The) victim refused to allow (the) defendant to use the truck due to past history of (the) defendant with family vehicles. (The woman) observed (the) defendant pick up a metal pipe and 'whack' (the) victim with the pipe several times. (The) defendant also punched (the) victim in the face about five times," the complaint stated.

When interviewed by police, the victim struggled to speak due to the injuries to his mouth, but was able to corroborate the story given by the woman. The victim also stated Enlet is "always high on methamphetamine, and he had not seen (Enlet) sleep in days," according to the complaint.

Along with the injuries to the victim's lip, officers also saw a fresh cut on his right forearm and multiple scratches and redness on his lower back.

The complaint stated when Enlet was approached by police, he appeared to be waiting to be interviewed.

"(The) defendant immediately yelled, 'I didn't run because I want to repent for my sins!' while holding his hands in the air. (The) defendant turned around and gave his wrists to the officer and demanded to be arrested and stating, 'I did it, I did it, officers. I swung the pipe at my own blood,'" the complaint stated.

Enlet was subsequently advised to stop speaking and was read his Miranda Rights. At the Dededo Precinct, Enlet acknowledged, understood and signed an interrogation form and waived his rights before corroborating the woman's and the victim's accounts of events.

"(The) defendant stated he got frustrated because (the victim) would not let him use the truck, that he punched the victim in the face a lot and that (the) defendant used a pipe to hit ... (the) victim," the complaint stated.

Enlet was charged with aggravated assault as a third-degree felony with a special allegation of possession or use of a deadly weapon, family violence, reckless conduct and attempted unauthorized use of a motor vehicle as misdemeanors.