
Manna on Main Street opens Online Market Hub to streamline food distribution

B.Martinez1 hr ago

LANSDALE — Manna on Main Street on Saturday, Sept. 14, celebrated the grand opening of its new innovative resource that will expand the food pantry's provision of online ordering and delivery of groceries to its clients.

Manna on Main Street's Online Market Hub is open for business at 10 N. Cannon Ave., the former site of Phil's Tire and Service Center.

Manna volunteers gave tours before and after a ceremony that began at 1:30 p.m.

Manna on Main Street food pantry expanding to Cannon Avenue 'Hub'

Manna Executive Director Suzan Neiger Gould welcomed the crowd and officially said the hub is open, thanks to the efforts of the North Penn community.

"What a wonderful day," said Gould, to loud applause. "I will officially declare the Hub is open! You have opened it. We have been operating all week, and since Monday, we have served about 130 households. They ordered their groceries on their Smartphone, or tablet, or computer, and then drove here ... and called the number and a volunteer came out and delivered their groceries, That is the dream and it happened."

Gould said every step of the way was aided by caring institutions and individuals.

"As word spread about what was going on at 10 N. Cannon Ave., the encouragement and support built, because this community believes in Manna's vision that 'Everyone Might Be Fed.' Regardless of where you come from, the color of your skin, where you sleep at night, who you pray to, and who you love. You have a right to food, and you and all of us deserve to have a North Penn where no one is hungry."

Manna Board of Directors Chair Jeffrey Fields shared the vision for Manna's new Online Market Hub.

Manna Director of Development and Strategic Direction Sheldon C. Good awarded numerous major donors and project partners for their efforts, such as Kafeem Afzal, Nihad Kaiseruddin, Holman, The Michelson Family Fund, Afzal Family Foundation, Lansdale Borough, Constance Lezenby Architects LLC, Detweiler Construction, Harleysville Bank, and HealthSpark Foundation.

The Hub is part of Manna's 10-year campaign to make sure no one goes hungry in North Penn.

"We are so happy to be here to celebrate Manna's new Hub," said Jacqui Baxter-Rollins, executive director of The Partnership TMA. "The Partnership TMA is happy to partner with Manna and provide bikes and resources for safety cycling. For clients, it gets them to jobs and be self-sustaining."

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