
Mayor says ‘state of emergency’ declaration for SPD headquarters not likely

E.Wright2 hr ago

SHREVEPORT, La. ( KTAL/KMSS )—Three members of the Shreveport City Council issued a letter requesting that Shreveport Police Headquarters be relocated for safety reasons ; Mayor Tom Arceneaux says a phased rollout is already in the works.

Shreveport Mayor Tom Arceneaux is responding to a letter from council members Grayson Boucher, Tabatha Taylor, and James Green asking that SPD employees be removed from police headquarters because they say it is unsafe and unhealthy.

The mayor says he inherited this problem and is working to address it: "Their letter says that it existed for over five years. I've been mayor for about twenty-one months, so, but we are aware of it, and we have actually been taking charge of it and taking ownership of it. Because it's now our responsibility."

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Council members say mold is growing in the facility, which can lead to respiratory issues, fatigue, and long-term complications. Also, there is inadequate heating and air conditioning in the building.

The mayor said, "I do not think it is unhealthy and so it's very important in 2022 we had it extensively inspected for mold so what is in the building now is the result of some moisture leaks but they are producing mildew, not mold. So we do not believe the building is unsafe."

Council members say they will introduce legislation at the next meeting asking the mayor and chief of police to declare a state of emergency regarding the building and immediately remove officers and staff.

In response, the mayor said, "They want me to declare a state of emergency, which I am not likely to do because none of the things that there are not particular advantages to that. In my mind it is a political statement, it's not something that gives rise to anything we could take advantage of or move people out more quickly."

He said two new substations, one on Monkhouse Drive and the other on N. Market St is under construction. According to SPD, once those buildings are built, patrol officers will move to those locations, leaving only administration and investigators in the main building. The new police headquarters will be built on the site of the existing building but will be held the size. When the building is ready to be demolished, everyone must be relocated.

Councilwoman Tabitha Taylor released the following statement today in response to our interview with the mayor.

City council requests relocation of Shreveport Police Headquarters

"A bond issue was passed in 2021, by the citizens of Shreveport regarding the dilapidated conditions of the Shreveport Police Department. These deficits were highlighted through various media sources and our public. Moving our employees has been a consistent request by the council. The police department, the administrative staff, and our public – deserve a clean working environment. This is necessary for the morale of our employees. The ask is to move our employees to safer buildings, while constructing a new facility, per the bond. Move our employees to a building or buildings that are hazardous free from mildew, suspected mold, falling ceilings, bathrooms that do not work, flooded areas, raw sewerage, etc.,

We aren't asking anything that we do not require of landlords in Shreveport, as it relates to housing. Legislation will be forthcoming to declare a public safety emergency regarding this building. If the legislation is vetoed, what are we saying to the men and women who report to work daily? Our plight continues."

Councilwoman Taylor – District A