
Mental Health Awareness Benefit coming back for its second year - Austin Daily Herald

A.Smith42 min ago

After a successful first year, Don and Marsha Leathers are in the midst of organizing the second annual Mental Health Awareness Benefit, which will take place on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Austin VFW Post 1216.

Last year, the benefit raised $15,000, which was then split among six organizations in the area to help with mental health services.

"I loved all the people that came," Marsha said. "I loved networking. They are so excited to come and see everybody. We knew everyone there. I loved the fellowship and the networking and coming together."

Marsha said the reason they opted for a second event this year came down to one simple fact — people wanted it back.

"It seems like a lot of people can resonate with this," she said. "If they haven't been directly affected, they know someone that has."

"The feedback from people who encouraged us to do it again and wanted to be a part of it," Don added. "There are more people than we would like to admit that are affected either directly or indirectly by something. Whether it's depression, anxiety: you've got a lot of things that contribute to an anxious society."

The original fundraiser, held early last September, was organized in memory of the Leathers' son, Michael, who took his own life in January of 2021.

It's what drives the couple to focus on mental health awareness as an overall guiding factor.

"With us, it was our son and suicide, but it's not all about that," Marsha said. "It's way bigger than that."

Don said that through the fundraiser and the awareness it drives, the hope remains to get help where it needs to be as early and often as possible.

Don also said that through programs like Power of Pink, Boys of Tomorrow and Pure Power Partners, the door is opened further for early awareness.

"We can get to these kids and equip them with tools to deal with conflicts in life," he said. "You never know when you put seeds in the ground what's going to come up."

Another facet of awareness is the broader ability to help.

"Awareness means maybe more funding from the legislature. Insurance companies recognize mental health is just as important as hip or knee replacement," Don said. "We want to increase awareness so people understand."

This year's event will feature a host of entertainment and food throughout the night. There will be a silent auction and live auction, a raffle and music performed by the Christianson Family Band. Special musical guests include Riley Olson starting at 5:30 p.m. and Pete Jacobsen.

There will also be burgers and brats available.

Support for the event has come from all over southeastern Minnesota including Austin, Grand Meadow, Albert Lea, Spring Valley and more.

People will also be able to help directly the day of the event through an online donation opportunity using Venmo where people can scan a QR code at the table. Money will go directly into the Mental Awareness Benefit account.

For the Leathers, this kind of support for this year's and last year's fundraiser shows a clear need and more importantly a clear desire to help in the awareness campaign.

"It tells you that you're doing something right. It's all positive," Don said. "You're reaffirmed for what you're doing. Whether it's a small contribution or a large one, every little bit matters."