
Misericordia hosting History Day

E.Wright3 months ago

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Misericordia University is hosting the National History Day regional competition on Saturday, March 7, at the campus in Dallas. More than 300 students from middle schools and high schools in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Susquehanna, Pike, Wayne, Wyoming, Monroe and Sullivan counties are expected to participate. The theme for the 2015 contest is ‘Leadership & Legacy in History.’ Registration will begin at 8 a.m. with a continental breakfast outside 216-218 Insalaco Hall. Lunch will be provided free for students and subsidized at a discounted rate for parents in the John and Mary Metz Dining Hall in the Banks Student Life Center. Students will complete at the junior high (grades 6-8) or senior high (grades 9-12) level and as part of a group or as an individual in four categories, performance, documentary, website and tabletop exhibit. Students can also compete as individuals at the junior or senior high level in the historical paper category. Students who place in the top two in each of the 18 categories are eligible to advance to the state competition in May at Millersville University. For more information, contact Jessica Reeder Garner at [email protected] or 570-674-6420. Registration is available online at Co-chairs, from left, are Jessica Gardner, archivist, and Jennifer Black, assistant professor of history and government, Misericordia University.