
Morning Notes for September 24, 2024

C.Garcia29 min ago

APS Phone Pouch Pilot Update — "Though too early to draw any conclusions on the effort , School Board members did discuss it at a Sept. 5 meeting...The pouch pilot is slated to run all year. What happens after that, nobody can tell, but Kadera did opine that any discussion of whether to expand it countywide, or not, should occur when parents and students are engaged." [ GazetteLeader ]

Flyover Scheduled Today — From AlertDC: "The U.S. Naval Air Force will conduct a military flyover in the National Capital Region over Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 11:15AM."

Arlington Org Helping GGW — "In January 2023, Greater Greater Washington tried to hold training sessions for newly elected Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners... We've partnered with the Arlington-based, libertarian-leaning Institute for Justice (IJ), who know the contours of free speech better than most, to make sure this sort of gagging of free speech doesn't happen again." [ GGW , Twitter ]

Inflation a Mixed Bag — "Some Americans do see prices as settling down. Tisha Deloney of Arlington, Virginia, said she was initially miffed when her company provided a smaller cost-of-living adjustment for this year of about 3%, down from the 8% she remembers when inflation was peaking. But when her rent rose two months ago, it ticked up by a much smaller amount than it had in previous years." [ Associated Press ]

Local Renewable Energy Enthusiast — "When the power goes out in Arlington, Virginia, people often gather at Scott Sklar's house... That's because Sklar's home and detached office never lose power. He generates clean energy using a mix of several technologies – solar panels, solar roof shingles, a wind turbine, and a hydrogen fuel cell. And he stores excess power in a bank of batteries." [ Yale Climate Connections ]

Political 'Speed Dating' — "It's the political equivalent of speed dating – called 'candi-dating' or 'candidating' (take your pick) – and the League of Women Voters of Arlington & Alexandria City is hosting a chance for Arlington residents to get to know candidates for local office without the long-term commitment of a full-blown candidate forum. The event will be held on Sunday, Oct. 6." [ GazetteLeader ]

Healthy Eating on the Pike — "EvolveAll and Columbia Pike Partnership have teamed up to profile several local restaurants and ask our fitness team for recommendations on what to eat. We hope this will provide helpful guidance so that you can enjoy a night out with friends without compromising your healthy living goals." First up: Sabores Tapas Bar. [ EvolveAll ]

Subscription Law Change — "In Virginia, the new law, which took effect in July, requires companies to notify consumers of their option to cancel within 30 days of the end of the trial period... About half a dozen other states have enacted similar laws this year." [ Virginia Mercury ]