
Municipal roundup

L.Hernandez3 months ago

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W-B Township holds tax rate, keeps lid on expenditures

WILKES-BARRE TWP. – As expected, council on Tuesday gave a formal second reading to a proposed 2010 budget that, despite the ailing economy, manages to keep spending $61,447 below revenue.
The $3.8 million budget calls for no changes to the current 1.2507 mills of real estate tax, and 1.25 percent earned income tax rate. A mill is a $1 levy on each $1,000 of assessed property value.
Spending cuts have effectively been kept from impacting residents, Mayor Carl Kuren noted in his budget presentation. In part, those cuts have come in the way the township does business, saving costs, tapping revenue sources and seeking grants.
The township will look at offsetting the increased costs in workers’ compensation and police liability insurances by considering policies with higher deductibles and mercantile tax revenues from three new hotels and a new restaurant at the location of the former Bennigan’s.
In a separate budget item, the township expects to end 2010 with a $297,445 surplus in the sewer fund accounts, but the mayor noted a number of issues have to be dealt with in that area, including sewer line repairs and $350,000 in bond payments.
Next year, the township will need to enforce collections from delinquent property owners unwilling to pay the $84 annual sewer fee, the mayor suggested.
Dallas Twp. resident wants surplus to reduce taxes
DALLAS TWP. – Resident John Newman presented supervisors Tuesday evening with a written suggestion to lower municipal taxes in the 2010 budget.
Newman said he looked at the proposed budget and saw that $900,000 in surplus money will be carried over from 2009.
He requested the supervisors lower the tax rate from .52 mills to .197 mills as a result. A mill is a $1 tax for every $1,000 in assessed property value.
Newman said the township would have a $796,100 surplus after his proposed tax reduction.
“Please consider a millage reduction for the taxpayers,” Newman said. “You certainly have enough money to do it.”
Supervisor Chairman Phil Walter said the supervisors would take the request into advisement.
The 2010 budget is scheduled to be adopted during the Dec. 15 supervisors meeting.
Ross Twp. getting ready for gas drilling operations
ROSS TWP. – Marcellus Shale gas drilling companies have been looking around the township for land to lease, and supervisors are looking to be proactive and join a local landowners group to protect their rights and neighboring well water.
The township has two separate half-acre sections of land it is looking to protect through the addendums of a lease with a landowners group.
Chairman Stanford Davis said a landowners group is a group of concerned residents who are trying to offer protection of property rights and well water from gas companies through a well-defined lease.
Supervisors have received paperwork from some landowners groups but have not made a decision on which one to join.
“Several gas companies have been spotted within the township.” Davis said.
Supervisors have set the following future meeting dates: 3 p.m. Dec. 28, for the end-of-year meeting; 3 p.m. Jan. 4, for the reorganization meeting; 7 p.m. Jan. 5, for the regular monthly meeting.

Ross Twp. to adopt $404K budget with no tax hikes
ROSS TWP – Possible road resurfacing and equipment purchases are included in a proposed $404,327 budget for 2010.
The proposed budget is expected to be passed during the 3 p.m. Dec. 28, year-end meeting in the municipal building.
The proposed budget boasts of no major changes in tax rates. Secretary Terry Davis said the mill rate is estimated to be .23. A mill equals $1 in tax for every $1,000 of assessed value.
Chairman Stanford Davis said the township does not have a per capita tax, but a one-half of 1 percent tax on earned income will remain.
About $41,000 has been put aside for a possible equipment purchase. Davis said replacing the roller, used for road resurfacing, or the 1939 tractor, used to mow the baseball field, is planned.
“These purchases are really are pending on the type of winter we have and how our snow removing equipment will fair,” he said.
Supervisors also have planned to spend $140,000 for road resurfacing projects. Davis said this too depends on the winter months ahead and “what roads take a beating.”
The proposed 2010 budget is available in the municipal building for public review.

Ian Campbell Rebecca Bria Eileen Godin Eileen Godin