Nearly 40% of Black Friday items offer no savings: report
C.Garcia3 months ago
Black Friday is a time where people crush themselves into shops in order to score deals on various products, usually at the expense of their bones and — in some cases — their dignity. But now a new report is saying that nearly 40 percent of items sold during Black Friday don’t offer any savings at all. WalletHub — a company which describes itself as “an award-winning personal finance company that empowers consumers to lead financially healthy lives” through various tools and articles — published this report under the title “ Best Things to Buy on Black Friday (2023) .” The data included in the report was pulled from places like, with researchers comparing pre-Black Friday prices against those displayed o Black Friday. But while the final WalletHub report highlight the best deals by retailer — with Belk, Costco, and Dell taking the first, second, and third top spots, respectively — as well as by product and company, it also highlighted that there may not be as many slashed prices on the day as previously believed. “While Black Friday is traditionally associated with the best prices relative to the rest of the year, we should pause from our spending and ask how good of a deal we are really getting,” reads the study. “As it turns out, 35% of items will offer no savings compared to their pre-Black Friday prices this year.” WalletHub also found that 28 percent of shoppers in Americans are planning to spend less during the holidays this year than 2022.
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