
Neighborhood Services reports more than $4 million spent in 2024 on assistance for unhoused

T.Johnson23 min ago

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (KCAU) — On Thursday morning, Sioux City Neighborhood Services held a press conference giving a rundown on how the city has helped the unhoused community through their programs such as the Rapid Rehousing and Security Deposit Assistance Programs.

"$4,291,238.02 was spent on rental assistance and direct assistance to those experiencing homelessness, or near homelessness, since January 1," Neighborhood Services manager Jill Wanderscheid said.

Since the announcement of The Warming Shelter's closure , Neighborhood Services has been helping the shelter staff find housing options and suitable assistance programs for their current clients.

"We're in contact with The Warming Shelter staff daily and the current residents there to make sure that we can work a plan so that they hopefully aren't unhoused, unsheltered once the shelter closes, and if they are it would be for a very small amount of time," outreach supervisor Clara Coly said.

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Along with their rental assistance programs, Neighborhood Services is expanding their Street Outreach program, where city staff goes out on the streets and connects with people that may not know of the housing services available to them.

"We have a lot of resources in the city, it's just a matter of connecting people to those resources that we have," Wanderscheid said. "So that's why it is so important to make sure that everyone who is experiencing homelessness has at least made contact with someone in our office so we know where they're at, we know what they need, and we can get them connected to those resources."

During the press conference, city council members made an effort to note that over the last few years the city has been working on programs that provide more than temporary shelter.

"We're not talking about just heads in beds, giving people a place to sleep at night," council member Alex Watters said. "We're talking about a concerted effort to manage these individuals and work with them on if they want to become employed, if they're looking for a more permanent housing solution, if we can help prevent homelessness by giving them rental assistance or working with landlords to ensure that they are not losing their home and ending up on the streets."

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Since Jan. 1, 2024, 1,258 families have benefited from Sioux City's housing assistance programs. In that time, the city has paid an average of $601,125 in monthly rental assistance.

Through their Coordinated Entry system, 288 assessments have been completed; 173 individuals are currently on the list waiting for assistance; and 113 households have been referred from the list and into housing programs. The city has spent $239,468.48 on the program.

The city has spent $159,783.54 on the Rapid Rehousing program, which provides up to one year of rent and case management for participants. There are currently 41 individuals participating in the program.

Through the Homeless Prevention program, which pays three months back rent and three months forward rent, the city has spent $235,822.03. 135 people have participated this year.