
New Name For Thriving Women’s Group

J.Wright33 min ago

Women's Connection News:

  • Change reflects core mission of making meaningful connections
  • SANTA FE – The organization that women age 50 and forward have long known as The Transition Network (TTN) has changed its name to Women's Connection to better reflect its mission and goals.

    The national group—whose New Mexico chapter is in Santa Fe—has evolved since its founding 24 years ago. TTN's original mission was to offer resources to women who were transitioning from working full-time into retirement. However, in a 2023 survey at the national level, TTN asked women for a word to describe what they valued most about their membership. "Connection" was the number-one choice by a large margin.

    "It was important to now focus on the connecting aspect of our organization and provide a variety of opportunities for women to engage with other members," said Santa Fe Chapter Chair Bev McLean, who was part of the nationwide name change/marketing committee.

    Founded in 2000 in New York City, Women's Connection is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with more than 3,000 members in 15 chapters across the United States. Members and guests connect at a variety of in-person and virtual events.

    The Santa Fe chapter was started in 2011 and has more than 100 members. Monthly meetings feature a speaker on a relevant topic. Recent speakers have included Jesse Roach, Director of the City of Santa Fe Water Division, who discussed water development and usage in Santa Fe; Ruth Dobbins, who talked about her pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago; and a panel discussion with five nonprofits (Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Communities in Schools, Food Depot, and the Santa Fe Housing Initiative) about their mission, programs, and volunteer opportunities. Coming up in October will be representatives from the local chapter of the League of Women Voters, who will speak about local, regional and national issues.

    In addition to the monthly meetings, other chapter activities include:

  • Meet-and-greets where new members can get to know existing members;
  • A happy hour at a different restaurant each month;
  • The Good Neighbors program, which consists of members who are willing to help each other with a wide variety of needs; and
  • Smaller, special-interest groups ("SIGs") centered around specific topics. Among the Santa Fe chapter's SIGs are groups for theatergoers, visual artists, Spanish language speakers, and women 70-plus.
  • One of the organization's longest-running events, the Women in Transition workshop, is scheduled for late fall. Participants explore transitions they are experiencing—whether it be retirement, loss of a partner, a move, or a health crisis—with a supportive group of women who are taking a similar journey. The connections they make not only enrich their experience during the event but can also lead to lifelong friendships.

    "We're excited about bringing interesting speakers and topics to our monthly meetings moving forward, and to introducing more ways for members to connect," McLean said.
