Olmsted Medical Center hosts second sensory friendly vaccine clinic
R.Anderson14 hr ago
ROCHESTER, Minn. (KTTC) – After a successful first year, Olmsted Medical Center hosted its second sensory friendly vaccine for patients on the autism spectrum. OMC partnered with RT Autism Awareness Foundation and the Autism Society of Minnesota to provide flu and COVID-19 vaccines to patients. In addition to extended visit times for vaccines, OMC offered support to patients with items such as headphones and sensory friendly fidget items to help them receive the vaccines in a comfortable environment. OMC's primary care director says last year it provided vaccines to nine patients and had 19 patients scheduled for this year's clinic. "I think an event like this, being geared to sensory friendly is kind of reducing all of those barriers and making it just a comfortable atmosphere and really approaching it as, 'What is it that they will need to receive the vaccine?' and that's the piece that we want to do today," OMC Primary Care Director Carrie Kranz said. Kranz said OMC will look at other opportunities to partner with RT Autism Awareness Foundation and the Autism Society of Minnesota in the future.
Read the full article:https://www.kttc.com/2024/11/10/olmsted-medical-center-hosts-second-sensory-friendly-vaccine-clinic/