
Only The Cleveland Browns Would Break Out A Full-Team Choreographed Celebration With A Flag On The Ground (And Then Give Up A Touchdown)

C.Chen30 min ago

Look I'm going to be quick with this one because I'm on the stream in the Gambling Cave and the Boss Man is in town, but this couldn't not go up on the blog. What the fuck is this? This could quite literally only happen to the Cleveland Browns. You know the phrase "Only In Cleveland"? Put this video directly next to it in the dictionary.

So the way this story goes is that the Browns got an interception....after an illegal hit on the quarterback and the flag came out immediately....and then proceeded to break out their full-team choreographed celebration. Look at everyone dancing! But there's a fucking flag graphic on the screen, and it was obvious what the penalty was. There was no chance this Interception was standing, but JOK and the boys couldn't let this opportunity pass by for them to dance when there's only 14 games remaining.

And then what happened next? The Giants proceeded to drive on down the field and score a touchdown.

And now we've gone 3 and out on the next possession. Will this celebration be the turning point of the game? It certainly fucking looks like it right now...