

S.Martin3 months ago

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Back Mountain Memorial Library children’s librarian Marilyn Rudolph was honored by Dallas Elementary School students with gifts and posters for 25 years of service to the community last week in a surprise celebration. Children involved in the presentation of gifts included: kindergarten student Julia Kvashay, fourth-grader Joshua Thomas, second-graders Kenny Chamberlain, Kelly Corbett, Ryan Marascio and Nick Stredny.

Six Back Mountain students have earned scholarships from Bishop O’Reilly High School as a result of their high scores on the school’s entrance test. Area students are: Kathleen O’Brien, Dallas, Amanda Manganiello, Shavertown, Alma DeRojas, Dallas, Matthew Koch, Shavertown, Christopher Malonis, Dallas, and Jamie Piszak, Wyoming.

The award-winning Lake-Lehman Band, under the direction of John Milauskas, copped yet another honor as it was awarded first place in the 1984 Miss America Parade on the boardwalk in Atlantic City last Tuesday. The parade, which kicked off Miss America week in Atlantic City, consisted of bands, lavish floats, various civic organizations, as well as all 51 Miss America contestants. In the parade, the band preceded Miss Gina Major, Miss Pennsylvania 1984, who is a former member of the Black Knights Marching Band.

Harveys Lake Bassmasters recently held their annual fishing tournament at Harveys Lake. Participants from Luzerne County Recreation Dept. M-R social recreation program were invited to attend the event, and plaques were awarded to all participants. Participants included Harold Root, Sally Driscoll, John Paul Bielecki, George Kasson, Jim Lapota, Willard Treddenich, Mike Krofjack, Danny Carr, Cindy Gerrity, Jeannie Hammerbacker and Gary Gergetti.

The 1984 Homemakers School, sponsored by The Dallas Post, was highlighted with the awarding of a 13” color television set, donated by The Dallas Post. Imagine the shock and surprise in the face of Mary Radzville when her name was called as the grand prize winner.

Judith MacAvoy, Shavertown, is a member of the Gettysburg College Marching band. Judith has returned to Gettysburg for the 1974 Bullet band Camp. Miss MacAvoy, a junior, plays the trumpet. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon MacAvoy.

“Follow the Reader,” a summer reading program sponsored by the Children’s Annex of the Back Mountain memorial Library held a final party for its members last weekend at the library. Eight-five young people participated. Among them were: Alice Baloga, Alan Battisti, Susan Bergevin, Beth Brennan, Becky Carsman, Harry Davenport, Eugene Derhammer, Donita Grimm, Barbara Hrabowski, Sherri Montross, John Patterson, Alice Spencer, Lynn Todd, Karen Williams, Judy Zurinski, Ray Witter, Susanne Williams and Kathy Kostrewski.

One of our charming girls will be selected Rotary Fall fair Queen in Saturday evening at the Lehman Horse Show Grounds. All four seniors, two from Dallas Area School and two from Lake-Lehman, were selected by school mates to represent their respective schools at the 2nd Annual Dallas Rotary Fall Fair to be held this Friday and Saturday. They are: Patricia Cully, Dallas High; Linda Rae Piatt, Lehman Area; Maryanne Baloga, Dallas; and Joanne Mekeel, Lehman.

Dallas Methodist WSCS had as guests earlier this month, representatives of Girl Scouts. Introduced by Mrs. Joseph Marsh were Mrs. Elwood Swingle, with Cadet Scouts Shirley Brown and Peggy Bayliss; Junior Scouts, Elaine Kuehn and Diane Hozempa; and Brownie Scouts Debby Bulford and Megan Delaney.

Westmoreland High School Senior Class elected David Huray president, Ernest Stair vice president. Charlotte Dymond will serve as secretary, Margaret Davis financial secretary, and Joan Sickler treasurer.

Dr. Franklin L. Fine has opened his new dental offices at his home on Church Hill Road, Trucksville. Dr. Fine maintained offices on South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, for eighteen years and prior to that time had offices in the Huey Building in Kingston.

Eloise Titman will assume responsibility for wheel-chairs again this year, according to Mrs. Arthur Ross, who announced chairmen of committees at a recent meeting of the board of Women of Rotary. Betty Eckman is in charge of shut-ins; Nita Graves, ways and means; Jan Dennis, publicity.

Two Back Mountain boys have now completed their primary flight training in elementary and acrobatic flying at the Lodwick Aviation Military Academy, Avon Park, Fla. They are Aviation Cadet Harry C. Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sutton of Lehman, and aviation cadet Walter S. Puterbaugh Jr., son of W.S. Puterbaugh of Alderson.

Lehman Township Volunteer Fire Company made a profit of $61.89 on its food stand conducted on Labor Day according to L.E. Beisel, chairman of the committee. The money will be put in a fund to purchase new equipment for the company.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash of Shavertown entertained members of the Dorcas Bible Class and their husbands at a corn and wiener roast Saturday night at their home on Shagbark Drive. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Clauser, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Werkheiser, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reedy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malkemes, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Poynton and Mr. and Mrs. James Owens.

The Dallas Post is 125 years old. Information for “Only Yesterday” is printed exactly as it appeared originally.