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Recently Brownie Troop #649 and Daisy Troop #625 donated school supplies to the Domestic Violence Service Center, as part of a service project requirement for the third grade Brownies’ bridging step. Troop members are: Laura Vanderhook, Sarah Rupert, Sara Swepston, Angela Duris, Jessica Kukosky, Jill Vanderhook, Jana Stec, Cassandra Backes, Diana Glicini, Shannon Rother, Jodi Dickson, Kaitlyn Musto, Leah Bolton, Alicia Dymond, Cassie Mishanski, Jonelle Dickson, Jamie Sulewski, Rachel Kukosky, Erin Swepston and Lynn Kirkwood.
Members of Lake-Lehman Middle Level 7th grade Language Arts Classes made dolls from dried apples as part of a special class project. Participants were: Jill Marchakitus, Meredith Piatt, Amy Cebrick, Sarah Race, Ben Wolfe, Katie Tripp, Christina Royer, Jennifer Basta, Alison Piatt and Debra Brayfield.
Brownie Troop 641 recently captured a second place ribbon in the Girl Scout “Cookie Castle Contest” sponsored by Boscov’s. The Brownies constructed the United Nations while Junior Girl Scout Troop 636 made the Liberty Bell and received honorable mention. Girls from Troop 641 who participated in the contest were: Kristy Hozempa, Betty Spencer, Shelly Andes, Gina Traver, Lynn Turner, Diane Alters, Janet Ruda, Kelly Komsisky, Jennifer Stark, Lisa Gunn, Kristy Miscalis, Christina Conrad, Karen Komsisky, Christina Jones, Jennifer Heinbach, Tracy Margellina and Joanna Arndt.
The Lake Silkworth Centennial Council 7860 of the Knights of Columbus hosted a basketball free throw competition recently at the Lake-Lehman Junior High school. Boys and girls age 11 through 14 were eligible to participate with the winners of each age group receiving engraved plaques. Winners are: B. Shirk, J. Konigus, P. Coolbaugh, A. Sabaluski, R. Parry, R. Paraschak, M. Paraschak, B. Wilson, P. Patla, J. Hutchins, R. Lopasky, R. Parry and K. Sorber.
The annual Card Party of the Dallas Senior Woman’s Club will be held this weekend at the Gate of Heaven Auditorium. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Lawrence Newhart and Mrs. Clyde Brace. Committee members are: Mrs. Charles Berkey, Mrs. William Hanna, Mrs. Robert Parker, Mrs. L.L. Richardson, Mrs. Leo Moehn, Mrs. Ralph Weggel, Mrs. John Richards, Mrs. Gus Shuleski and Mrs. Marvin Carkhuff.
Cindy Barakat, a junior at Dallas High School, will be installed as worthy advisor at the installation dinner of the Charles James Memorial Assembly No. 144, Order of Eastern Rainbow for Girls. The dinner will be held at the Eastern Star Hall, Dallas, this weekend.
Members of Cub Scout Pack 132 and Weblos of Dallas will be going door to door soliciting funds for Carol Marie Harris, 13-year old leukemia victim. Pack members include Bobby Stair, Michael Stevens, Jeffrey Smith, Jeffrey Bolinski and Brad Gerstein. Cubmaster is Drew Fitch.
Harveys Lake Woman’s Service Club will sponsor a Dance next Saturday at Hansen’s, Harveys Lake. Mrs. Robert Pilger is chairman, Mrs. Malcolm Nelson, co-chairman. Other members of the committee are: Mrs. Elwood Davis, Mrs. Howard Jones, Mrs. Allen Sorchick, Mrs. Elvin Bean, Mrs. Joseph Rauch and Mrs. Clarence Montross.
Little Lori Lutsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lutsey, Dallas, who celebrated her second birthday on January 13 was guest of honor at a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. Present were Sharon Morris, Lisa Cochran, Stevie Parsons and Edward Jewell.
Seated at the annual meeting of Men of the Prince of Peace Episcopal Church last Sunday were these officers: Walter Prokopchak, president; Joseph B. Hunt, vice president; Peter Laidlaw, secretary-treasurer.
Paul Goddard was elected president of the Men’s Club of Prince of Peace Church at the meeting held at the Parish House following the Corporate Communion Service on Sunday. Other officers are vice president, Albert Antanaitis, secretary-treasurer, Woodworth Allen.
Mrs. Ralph Dixon has been appointed chairman and Mrs. Robert Hale, co-chairman of the Dallas Sr. Women’s Club dance being planned for Feb. 13 at the Country Club. Other committee members: Mesdames Mitchell Jenkins, W.H. Clewell, Edward Davis, Arthur Ellum, Marian Harter, James Huston, Ornan Lamb, Robert Maturi, L.L. Richardson, Thomas Robinson, Robert VanHorn, Oswald Griffith, Alva Eggleston, D.N.S. Hodgson, J. Franklin Robinson, Verne gruff, Raymond Elston and Mildred Devens.
Young people of the Shavertown Bible Church were entertained last Friday evening at a spaghetti supper at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Russell Edmondson, Shaver Avenue, Shavertown. The following attended: Roxie Hoover, Erma Garnett, Betty Walters, Robert Fitzgerald, Richard Seymour, William Naugle, Warren Fitzgerald, Johnny Miers, and Warren and David Edmondson.
Plans were outlined for a Valentine party in honor of husbands and friends at the meeting of Friendship Class of Trucksville Methodist Church, Tuesday evening. Committee members: Matilda Croom, Pauline Clewell, Cathleen Cashmark, Lidia Ayre, Elizabeth Harrison and Helen Hemenway.
Mrs. S.P. Frantz, of Chase, was guest of honor at a very lovely birthday dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Crocker at their home in Wilkes-Barre, Saturday evening. Mrs. Frantz celebrated her 78th birthday anniversary. Present at the dinner were: Mrs. Harry Allen Sr., Mrs. Harry Allen Jr., Doris Crocker and Mrs. Fred Crocker.
Miss Helen Staub, daughter of N.A. Staub, Trucksville, has enlisted as a cadet nurse and will start training at Mt. Sinai School of Nursing, in New York City next month.
The Dallas Post is 125 years old. Information for “Only Yesterday” is printed exactly as it appeared originally.