
Parent to Parent: Ideas for an outdoor kids party

N.Adams13 hr ago

Q: We were thinking of having an outdoor party. Kids this age can get pretty rambunctious so any ideas you might have would be great to keep everyone safe, organized and having fun with different activities.

From a reader: We just had an outdoor party for our 10-year-old. He invited both girls and boys. We kept most of the games easy and generic. This way no one was disappointed. The kids were told to bring their swimsuits if they wanted. The biggest hit was a super duper Slip N' Slide. It was the star of the activities. — B.N. in Atlanta

From Jodie Lynn: Throwing a birthday party can be quite a daunting task so try to keep it at a nice, manageable size.

However, there's plenty to do, especially if it's outdoors.

You might let your kids and their guests come up with some ideas of things to do outside.

Be sure to tell them right off the bat that you're only taking suggestions and will surprise them later with which ones will be chosen.

This will help to eliminate any disappointed feelings should you decide not to choose one for whatever reason.

Kids love to play with squirt guns and water balloons, which are perfect play for outside, plus, there are many games that they can think of on their own to use them for.

Here are a few other low-cost activities to consider:

As long as your neighbors don't mind, scavenger hunts are always a big hit and will keep them busy for at least an hour or so. Just keep the items suitable to find easily, especially in late July where it may be a little hot.

The old boiled egg on a teaspoon race is traditionally entertaining, especially if there are more things to do afterwards to perhaps win a cool prize.

Frisbee throws are fun as long as you keep an eye on the speed so no one gets hurt.

Consider things to do with hula hoops, burlap sacks for a crazy race, tic-tac-toe games and colorful cones to race in and out of.

Many of these items can be found at Oriental Trading, which has a catalog you can order from. It's also available online. See for more ideas and various products.

Can you help?We will be moving to a new neighborhood soon. Our kids won't know anyone in the neighborhood or at the new school. What tips do you have for getting them acclimated to their new surroundings?

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Jodie Lynn is an award-winning parenting columnist, author of five books and mother to three children. She and her family live in Wildwood.