
PAST CONTEST RULES: WGN Morning News Grand Prize Game Contest

S.Wright3 days ago

OFFICIALWGN-TV RULES 1. Sponsors. This contest("Contest") is sponsored by WGN-TV ("Station"), 2501 W. Bradley Place, Chicago,IL 60618, Marconi Foods, 2150 Oxford Road, Des Plaines, IL 60018, GriffinMuseum of Science and Industry, 5700 S. DuSable Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL60637, Brookfield Zoo, 8400 31st Street, Brookfield IL 60513, Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, 5419North Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60640, Navy Pier, 600 E. Grand Ave, Chicago,IL 60611, Albert's Diamond Jewelers, 711 Main Street,Schererville, IN 46375 (collectively, the"Sponsor(s)"). This Contest is void where taxed, restricted, or prohibited andis subject to all local, state, and federal laws. By entering, each entrantaccepts and agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of theSponsor(s), which shall be final and not subject to appeal. 2. Eligibility. No purchase necessary to enter.The Contest is open to permanent legal U.S. residents who reside withinWGN-TV's viewing area and who are at least 18 years of age at the time ofentry. Current or former employees of WGN-TV, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. and itssubsidiaries, the other Sponsors, the other television and radio stations andmultichannel video programming distributors in WGN-TV's viewing area, theirparent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising or promotional agencies(including anyone who prepares and/or distributes Contest materials), and theimmediate family members or persons living in the same household (whetherrelated or not) of all the foregoing are not eligible to participate or win.The term "immediate family members" includes spouses, grandparents, parents,siblings, children and grandchildren. Participants are eligible to win a WGN-TV contestor sweepstakes only once every thirty days (30) days. Only one (1) winner perhousehold is permitted in any contest or sweepstakes. Participants are eligibleto win a prize valued at $600.00 or more only once every six (6) months. Text,data, or messaging rates may apply. Winners must be able to come to WGN-TV studios on one of the following datesand appear on-air (either on a live or taped delayed basis) when the GrandPrize Game will be played in the 7am hour of WGN Morning News: September 3, 4, 5 or 6, 2024. Sponsor(s) is/are not responsible for technical orcomputer, telephone service outages, delays, equipment malfunctions, busysignals, hang-ups, errors or data loss of any kind, lost or unavailableconnections, or late, lost, failed, illegible, incomplete, garbled or deletedentries, transmissions, or voicemails or other network or technologicaldifficulties that may prevent an individual from completing his/her telephonecall or online entry, or for printing errors in any advertisement, entry form,or the rules. An entrant may use only one (1) email address tosubmit entries during the Contest. If an entrant uses multiple email addressesto submit more than one (1) entry per day, the entrant will be disqualified.For entries submitted online, entries will be deemed made by the authorizedaccount holder of the e-mail address submitted at the time of entry. Theauthorized account holder is the natural person who is assigned to the e-mailaddress by an Internet access provider, online service provider, or other organizationthat is responsible for assigning the e-mail address or the domain associatedwith the submitted e-mail address. Any automated or computer-generated entries,fake or duplicate identities, spam, or improper techniques (as determined bythe Sponsor(s)) will be disqualified. Any questions regarding the validity,completeness, or number of entries submitted by an individual or the identityof the authorized account holder of an e-mail address, phone number, or socialmedia profile shall be determined by Sponsor(s) in its/their sole discretion.The Sponsor(s) reserve(s) the right to disqualify any entrant who acts in adisruptive, harassing, vulgar, or unsportsmanlike manner, as determined by theSponsor(s) in its/their sole discretion. Entry materials that have been tampered with oraltered are void. If the Sponsor(s) determine(s), in its/their sole discretion,that there is any suspected or actual tampering with the Contest (electronic orotherwise) or if technical difficulties (e.g. infection by computer virus,bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or anyother causes beyond the control of Sponsor(s)) compromise the security,fairness, integrity or administration of the Contest, the Sponsor(s) reserve(s)the right to void the entries at issue and/or modify, suspend, cancel orterminate the Contest and conduct a random drawing to award the prize among alleligible entries received as of the termination date. If the Contest isterminated due to tampering or technical difficulties prior to its expirationdate, notice will be posted online at www.WGNtv.com . Sponsor(s) reserve(s) the right to disqualify any entrantthat tampers with the operation of the Contest or website or violates theOfficial Rules of the Contest. Entries not conforming to announced entryspecifications will not be acknowledged or returned. By entering this Contest online, participantsagree to WGN-TVs Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy located atwww.nexstar.tv/privacy-policy. All entry information becomes the property ofthe Sponsor(s), and entrants grant the Station the right to distribute all oftheir entry information to the other Sponsor(s). By entering, entrants grantthe Sponsor(s) the right to broadcast and distribute their name, image,likeness, voice, entry materials, and biographical information in any mediawhatsoever, including on the air on the Station and on WGNtv.com, for anypurpose whatsoever, worldwide, in perpetuity, without any further authorizationfrom or compensation to the entrant. Winner(s) will be given the opportunity to play theGrand Prize Game and toss a ping pong ball into six buckets, one bucket at atime. The ball will be tossed in thebuckets in ascending order, from Bucket #1 up to Bucket #6. One ball per bucket which shall be spacedapart. A prize is awarded for each bucket in which the ping pong ball lands. If, the contestant misses (ball does not go into) Bucket #1during the start of play, the contestant gets a second chance for the Bucket #1only. If, during the remaining order of play, the ball does not go intothe correct numbered bucket, this ends the game. A ball that goes intothe correct numbered bucket but then bounces out will count as a loss for thatbucket; this ends the game. A ball that goes into an incorrect numberedbucket and bounces into a correct numbered bucket ends the game. If anentrant passes the entry line located in front of bucket #1 and/or walks to abucket, that bucket becomes invalid and the game ends automatically. Prizes will not be awarded if not won by the contestant of the day. Entrants can win each Bucket only once. Entrants agree that WGN-TV has thesole right to determine the winner of the contest and all matters or disputesarising from the contest and that its determination is final and binding. Onlyone winner will be awarded per household. Viewers can watch WGN MorningNews in the 7am hour on September 3, 4, 5 and 6, for the Grand Prize Gamefeature. There will be potentially six (6)prizes total per Grand Prize Game and four (4) Winners. Depending on each"live" contestant's success in playing the game, each contestant will receiveone or more of the following prizes:

BUCKET #1 – Marconi FoodsGourmet Gift Basket:

· Nonconvertible non-redeemable prize certificate good for one gift basket from Marconi Foods. (ARV: $35).

BUCKET #2 – Two tickets to "007Science: Inventing the World of James Bond" at MSI:

· Nonconvertiblenon-redeemable prize certificate good for two tickets to 007 Science: Inventing the World of James Bond atthe Griffin Museum of Science and Industry. Passes expire 10/27/2024 (ARV: $96).

BUCKET #3 – Four-Pack toBrookfield Zoo with Parking:

· Nonconvertiblenon-redeemable prize certificate good a 4-pack of tickets to the BrookfieldZoo, which includes all in-park attractions that are open at the time ofredemption and four parking passes. Passes expire 12/31/24 (ARV: $200).

BUCKET#4 – Gift Card for $200 to Lettuce Entertain You:

· Nonconvertiblenon-redeemable prize certificate good for a restaurant gift card for $200 toLettuce Entertain You Enterprises. (ARV: $200).

BUCKET #5 – Navy Pier Day PrizePack:

· Nonconvertiblenon-redeemable prize certificate good for four Navy Pier "Play the Pier"one-day unlimited passes (which are valued at $49.00 per person) and Mini-Golf(valued at $12 per person) as well as one, all day, parking pass (valued at$60) + assorted Navy Pier swag (valued at $25) (ARV: $329).

BUCKET#6 – A $500 Gift Card to Albert's Diamond Jewelers:

· Nonconvertiblenon-redeemable prize certificate good for a $500 gift card at Albert's DiamondJewelers located at 711 Main Street, Schererville, Indiana. (ARV: $500).

The potential winners will becontacted by a representative of the Sponsorsand must reply within 24 hours to maintain eligibility. If a potential winnercannot be contacted within this time period or fails to respond to anyattempted contact, such potential winner will be disqualified, his/her entrywill be declared null and void and the Sponsors reserve the right, in theirsole and absolute discretion, to choose another potential winner by the processreferred to above. All results are unofficial until winner(s) is/areverified by the Sponsor(s). Prizes may not be exchanged, substituted,transferred or redeemed for other prizes by winner. Cash will not be awarded asa substitute for prize. Prizes are awarded 'as is' with no guarantees orwarranties as to use, merchantability, or fitness for a specific purpose, andthe Sponsor(s) is/are not responsible for defective prizes. Sponsor(s)reserve(s) the right to substitute a prize in their sole discretion without anon-air or off-air announcement, in which case a prize of equal or greater valuewill be awarded. Other terms and conditions may apply. 6. Conditions for Acceptance of the Prize(s). Thewinner must claim the prize(s) in-person at the Station, located at 2501 W.Bradley Place, during regular business hours (Monday – Friday from 8am CT –10pm CT). Prize(s) will not be mailed under any circumstances. The prize(s)must be claimed by September 6, 2024, at 5pm CT or it/they will be forfeited.Winner(s) will be required to provide a valid government issued photoidentification card and to execute an affidavit of eligibility and publicityand liability release prior to receiving their prize(s). The Station mayrequire the winner's guests, invitees, or travel companions to sign liabilityreleases prior to receiving the prize. All unclaimed or rejected prizes will beforfeited. Failure by the winner(s) to respond to the Station's messages,calls, e-mails or other notification will lead to forfeiture of the prize(s).Failure to completely fill out and sign all waivers, releases, or formsrequested by the Station will result in forfeiture of the prize(s). The Stationthen has the right, at its discretion, to award that prize to another winnerusing the method described above. A winner who forfeits any prize is noteligible to win another contest or sweepstakes conducted by the Station forthirty (30) days. Payment of all federal, state and local taxes isthe sole responsibility of the winner(s) and the winner(s) may receive an IRS1099 Form or equivalent from the Sponsor(s). The Sponsor(s) will report anyindividual winnings over $600 (in cash or fair market value of goods orservices) in a one year period to the Internal Revenue Service. Winner(s)is/are required to fill out any tax forms requested by the Sponsor(s) in orderto receive their prize(s). Winner(s) will be solely responsible for any andall license and registration fees, accommodations, transportation costs,gratuities and all other items of an incidental nature. All expenses on receiptand use of prize(s) are the sole responsibility of the winner(s), theSponsor(s) is/are not responsible for any weather changes or extenuatingcircumstances relating to a prize received. The Sponsor(s) is/are notresponsible for replacing or reimbursing winners with any form of compensationfor events that are delayed or canceled. All delays and cancellations aredeemed beyond the control of the Sponsor(s). This includes, but is not limitedto, event cancellations, trip schedule changes, flight cancellations, changesin travel arrangements, travel delays of any form and duration, gamecancellations and delays, as well as all acts of nature. The Sponsor(s) is/arenot responsible for any expenses incurred by Contest winners as a result ofsuch delays or cancellations. Sponsor(s) will not be responsible for failure tosupply the prize(s) by reason of any force majeure events, such as acts of God,war, terrorist attacks, unusually severe weather, labor strikes, or othercauses beyond the control of the Sponsor(s). By accepting the prize, the winner or winnersagree to have their name, voice, likeness, biographical information, and entrymaterials used in any advertising or broadcasting material relating to thisContest, and in any media whatsoever, including the Station and on WGNtv.com,for any purpose whatsoever, worldwide, in perpetuity, without any furtherauthorization or compensation to the winner(s). 7. Social Media. For contests or sweepstakesconducted or promoted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat,iHeartRadio, or any other social media website (each a "Social Media Site" andcollectively the "Social Media Sites"), the Sponsors reserve the right to voidany entrant's entry in the Contest for failure to abide by the guidelines,policies, or procedures of the applicable Social Media Site, and to delete orremove any of entrant's related "Likes," comments, posts, tweets, videos, photos,user generated content, or other electronic messages, communications, orsubmissions at their discretion. The Sponsors also reserve the right to block,ignore, report, and/or completely prevent any entrant, account, user, orprofile from accessing the Contest and/or the Sponsors' profile(s), account(s),website(s), blog(s) or handle(s). This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsedor administered by, or associated with the Social Media Sites. By entering thisContest, entrants agree to release and hold the Social Media Sites harmlessfrom any or all claims, liability, damages, judgments, fines, costs, expensesrelated to or associated with their participation in this Contest. Entrantsunderstand that by logging-in to the applicable Social Media Site, that theyagree to comply with the Social Media Site's Terms of Service, and that theirpersonal information is subject to the Privacy Policies and informationcollection practices of the Social Media Site. Entrants agree that the Sponsorsare not responsible for the collection, disclosure, transfer, or disseminationof their personal information, whether directly or indirectly, by third partyadvertisers, marketers, or any other transferees. For entries submitted throughthe Social Media Sites, the Sponsors may be limited to using the information ina manner set forth by the Social Media Sites and in no other way.