Penn Alumni Club of NEPA will install officers at summer luncheon
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The University of Pennsylvania Alumni Club of Northeastern Pennsylvania will swear in new officers and directors at its annual summer luncheon on Saturday at 11:30 a.m. at the Westmoreland Club, Wilkes-Barre.
Attorney Robert T. Kelly and Anthony T.P. Brooks will become the new president and vice president, respectively.
Kelly, of Scranton, is a partner in the law firm of Myers, Brier & Kelly LLP. He succeeds William A. Runner Jr. of Dallas who has served as president since 2002. Brooks, of Wilkes-Barre, is the executive director of the Luzerne County Historical Society. He succeeds Sally Connor of Jenkins Township.
Members of the Penn Class of 2013 and their parents will be welcomed as part of the program. Greg Johnson, director of planned giving for the university and Bart Miltenberger from the alumni office will offer updates on campus happenings.
A special presentation on the first graduating class in 1916 of the Wilkes-Barre Wharton Extension School of Accounts and Finance of the University of Pennsylvania will be presented. For reservations, contact Tony Brooks at 823-6244. For membership information, visit .