
Philadelphia Eagles fans celebrate nail-biter win over New Orleans Saints

B.Lee23 min ago

The Philadelphia Eagles' win over the New Orleans Saints took fans on a roller coaster of emotions Sunday afternoon.

The Week 3 game ended with a much-needed win for fans who filled Yards Brewing in Spring Garden.

"Awesome win, man," Dave Wilson from Mount Airy said. "Let's go, Birds!"

"That was the best defensive game we've ever played," Oleg Kariouk from Delaware County said.

One of the youngest fans was 10-month-old Leo Bradley, who watched the nerve-wracking matchup in a festive game day outfit.

"He's in his little fans jersey," Leo's mother Molly Bradley said. "He's got his footballs on his binky clip."

In between the cheers and chants, the win also came with some close calls and injuries .

"I was scared," Tameka Wilson from Mount Airy said. "I had palpitations, but I knew we'd make it."

"I think they definitely turned things around in the end," Nick Schumacher, of Fishtown, said.

"I genuinely thought we were going to lose," Kariouk said.

Through it all, one fan was keeping the energy high even during the lowest of moments by leading the whole bar in Eagles chants.

"Whenever our team does good, we celebrate," Kariouk said. "Whenever they do bad things, as per Philadelphia, we boo them."

Eventually the Birds made it through, leading to an overwhelming sense of relief, bringing lifelong fans and new fans together.

"We knew having a son that we would definitely be raising an Eagles fan," Bradley said. "So, being able to be here with friends and family is always exciting."

"I grew up watching this team," Kariouk said. "I'm always going to love them regardless."