Pi Beta Gamma Club celebrates 85th anniversary
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The Pi Beta Gamma Club of Wyoming Valley recently celebrated its 85th anniversary at the Wyoming Valley Country Club. The club’s officers were responsible for the arrangements. Officers are Susan Najaka, president; Delphine Kaminski, vice president; Jane Straub, secretary; and Joyce Latoski, treasurer and publicity. Deceased members of the club were remembered in a brief ceremony. Members and guests viewed a display of pictures and memorabilia from throughout Pi Beta Gamma’s 85-year history. Flower table centerpieces were won by Sandy Margavage, Terry DeLuca, Kay Jones, Jane Straub, Jayne Fino and Tara Senape. Gifts and prizes were won by Helen Kempinski, Bernadine Clark, Ruth Sorber, Joyce Latoski and Frances Brunozzi. Members and guests at the event (above), from left, first row, are Ruth Sorber, Betty Straub, Frances Brunozzi, Susan Najaka, Helen Kowalick and Kay Jones. Second row: Jane Straub, Peg Malkames, Jayne Fino, Janet Babskie, Diane Pelczar and Rita Galat. More members and guests (below), from left, first row, are Patty Clinton, Helen Kempinski, Barbara Smith, Florence Sowa, Dolores Floryshak and Bernadine Clark. Second row: Tara Senape, Maryann Smith, Marcia Knorr. Peg Floryshak, Jean Chepolis, Sandy Margavage, Bernadette Senape and Joyce Latoski.