
Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church celebrates 150 years in East Texas

V.Davis1 hr ago

NACOGDOCHES, Texas ( KETK ) – The Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church celebrated their 150th anniversary on Sunday.

The church, which is north of Nacogdoches on FM 2864, had their first building built in 1874. Most recently, the church was rebuilt after a 1995 fire burned much of the building.

KETK spoke with Travis Russell, the church's music director and Sunday school teacher, about what the anniversary means to their congregation.

"Well, I'm just glad that this church is still here for 150 years and like, I say, it's been an uninterrupted service. A lot of churches are closing and we're just thrilled that we can do it. But we know we have a greater mission, and that's to continue on with the work of the Lord," said Russell.