
Police plan 2 more DUI checkpoints this weekend in SLO County. Here’s when and where

N.Nguyen24 min ago

Two more cities will hold DUI checkpoints in San Luis Obispo County this week — this time in Paso Robles and Arroyo Grande.

Both Paso Robles and Arroyo Grande Police Departments will conduct a checkpoint Saturday evening. Paso Robles' will be from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. while Arroyo Grande's will be from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Both will be held in undisclosed locations within city limits, the agencies said in news releases.

The locations were chosen based on DUI-related crash data, police said.

The purpose of the checkpoint is to promote public safety and take impaired drivers off the road.

"Impaired drivers put others on the road at significant risk," Paso Robles Police Department Cmdr. Ricky Lehr and Arroyo Grande Police Chief Michael Martinez said in respective news releases. "Any prevention measures that reduce the number of impaired drivers on our roads significantly improve traffic safety."

Marijuana, prescription medication and over-the-counter drugs can all impair driving, police said, adding that driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal despite the drug itself being legal.

The checkpoint is funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration — the same agency that issued a grant to the city of San Luis Obispo.

The recent DUI checkpoint on Sept. 7 in San Luis Obispo stopped 596 vehicles and issued two citations for driving with a revoked or suspended license.