Police Urge Caution As Winter Storm Approaches Los Alamos County
As Los Alamos County braces for a winter storm forecast to begin Wednesday evening, Nov. 29, Los Alamos Police Department urges motorists to use caution when traveling in winter weather and to follow these tips:
Motorists are also encouraged to equip their vehicles with chains and/or snow tires and carry a container of sand and a shovel in their vehicle. Additionally, motorists should make sure their vehicle is ready for winter driving by making sure the washer fluid reservoir is topped off with washer fluid that is winter-rated, the defroster is in good working order, each vehicle is equipped with a functional ice scraper, and that snow is cleared from the windows, roof, and hood of the vehicle before traveling.
Streets may be snow-packed and slippery during winter storms. Road condition updates are available on www.NMRoads.com when streets become so hazardous that motorists might encounter delays. Citizens can also access the County’s MyDrive street cams to see current roads conditions in several locations across the county.
During storms, drivers are asked to be alert and courteous to County crews, who will be doing their best to keep the streets open and safe for traveling. Please assist them in this difficult task by yielding to their efforts and keeping a safe distance away to avoid having vehicles struck by flying sand and salt.
The public can refer to the Los Alamos County Snow and Ice Control Plan for more policies, guidelines and tips related to inclement weather.
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