
Poll shows Trump edging out Biden in Michigan

A.Lee10 hr ago

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) — Michigan is a swing state, with a generally even split between voters who lean Democrat and those who lean Republican.

This makes Michigan one of the few battleground states in the presidential election that candidates are hoping to sway the vote for them—but a new poll shows that Michiganders prefer Trump over Biden.

Trump v. Biden

  • — 49%

  • — 45%

  • None/Other/Won't Vote — 3%

  • Undecided/Refused To Say — 3%

  • Trump, Biden, and Others

  • – 41%

  • – 38%

  • Robert Kennedy, Jr. – (American Independent) 10%

  • Cornel West (Independent) – 2%

  • Jill Stein (Green Party) – 2%

  • None/Other/won't vote – 1%

  • Undecided/Refused to say– 6%

  • Biggest Fear

  • Biden as president – 40%

  • Trump as president – 36%

  • – 5%

  • Undecided/Refused to say– 5%

  • EPIC MRA conducted the survey of 600 likely voters between June 21 and June 26. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.
