
Pope Francis’s stands on abortion and immigration: Letters

C.Nguyen59 min ago

Re "Pope slams both Harris and Trump as 'against life'" (Sept. 14):

Pope Francis, tear down that wall around the Vatican! The church is against abortion and murder. So the wall around the Vatican was built to keep it safe from invaders. It was to protect life, all life. The wall on the border of the U.S. is built for the same reason. The people trying to come in illegally are victims and perpetrators of murder, rape and many other abuses. The church also has commandments (laws and penance or punishment) to follow to prevent sin. So does the U.S. to protect people. There has to be laws to preserve order and God's commandments. It is hypocrisy to have the Vatican's wall and to reject the U.S. wall. It deters sin in both cases.

— Tom Hersh, Newport Beach

SoCal wildfires

Re "SoCal fires linked to climate change?":

"The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible," said the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in May 2018. Therefore, all of the theories on climate change and global warming in this are conjecture, not fact. Obviously, fires caused by arson, public works employees, poor maintenance of electrical transmission lines and government malfeasance in land management cannot possibly be the cause of wildfires. It is clear that the California Delta shrimp are more important than the lives and property lost in California wildfires. The millions of gallons of fresh water diverted to the ocean to save the shrimp could be used to revive fallow farmland reducing the fuel available for wildfires. This same fresh water could meet the needs for local and regional water projects and water storage projects, thereby protecting water supply portfolios.

— Paul Lawendowski, Long Beach

CultureFest in Springfield, Ohio has been canceled

How ironic! An annual celebration of cultural diversity in Springfield, Ohio is canceled (Sept. 17) because of disgusting attacks against the Haitian community, which represents that cultural diversity. These irresponsible and racially divisive attacks, which were proven false, were spewed by two men who aspire to represent our country, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. Contrary to false narrative, the city is thriving socially and economically with its diverse population.

— Susan Bernard, West Hills