
Ports of San Diego, Ensenada Celebrate 20-Year Partnership, Economic Growth

E.Nelson39 min ago

The ports of San Diego and Ensenada this week celebrated 20 years of a sister port relationship and collaboration in regional economic development.

The two ports, along with dignitaries from each region, partners and stakeholders, hosted a ceremony and reception at the Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier.

Leadership teams and key staff from both ports, San Diego councilwoman Vivian Moreno, Consul General of Mexico Alicia Palma and dignitaries from Baja California attended Wednesday's event.

"A strong binational relationship with our neighbors in Baja California provides a mutually beneficial relationship that trickles down to each region's local economies," said Frank Urtasun, chairman of the Port of San Diego board . "After 20 years of a successful sister port relationship, I look forward to what we can achieve in the next 20 years."

According to Vice Admiral Joel Sandoval Gomez, director of the Port of Ensenada, the National Port System Administration of Ensenada is designed to strengthen and promote the port's development and its relationships to boost the region's economic growth.

"This memorandum of understanding (MOU) shows how a good working relationship is beneficial to both regions (San Diego and Ensenada)," he said.

During the celebration, both ports signed a new agreement, marking a milestone in their ongoing partnership. The MOU outlines the following initiatives:

  • Expanding cruise business opportunities: The ports are working to attract more cruise ships, tapping into the increasing demand for cruise tourism. Their partnership will facilitate short trips to Baja, other California ports and Hawaii.
  • Aquaculture: This will advance sustainable aquaculture practices, supporting the regional economy and promote environmental stewardship.
  • Ferry Service between Ensenada and San Diego: A proposed ferry service is set to connect Ensenada and San Diego, enhancing travel between the U.S. and Mexico. While it's still in development, its success could improve connectivity between the port cities and improve the region's tourism.