Pre-Make a Difference Day on tap today
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WILKES-BARRE – Pre-Make a Difference Day activities will take place today at the Wilkes-Barre City Community Garden, located next to Geisinger-Kistler, Wilkes-Barre Boulevard.
The activities coincide with the upcoming Make a Difference Day project, which will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24, at the Wilkes-Barre City Community Garden. The project has been a collaborative effort among the United Way of Wyoming Valley, the city of Wilkes-Barre, the Penn State Cooperative Extension, King’s College, Wilkes University, Commission on Economic Opportunity and the McGlynn Learning Center.
Today, the men’s lacrosse team from King’s College will be working on weeding and cleaning up trash in areas surrounding the 16 bed gardens located on Wilkes-Barre Boulevard.
On Make a Difference Day, school-age children will work side-by-side with college students to winterize the beds. There also will be an educational component for the children, along with fun activities such as making salsa, a dish that would require tomatoes and peppers, ingredients that one could retrieve from the garden.
Created by USA Weekend Magazine, Make a Difference Day is a national day to help others that takes place annually on the fourth Saturday in October.
If you would like to learn about this project or would like to get involved, contact Cathy Faatz at the United Way at 829-6711.