
Protesters interrupt MSU Investiture

A.Smith27 min ago

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS)– Michigan State University officially has a new president. The community gathered Sunday afternoon to celebrate the appointment of Kevin Guskiewicz, MSU's 22nd president. However, the ceremony was interrupted by protesters.

The formal investiture was for Guskiewicz to lay out his plan for the future of the university, but right outside, the Hurriya coalition demanded a different plan – divestment and institutional support for ending genocide.

"We are out here to protest, to let him know we are not happy with him, we are not happy with the board," said Jaime Saliba, a member of the Hurriya coalition. "We are not happy with what he is doing with the college."

Dozens of students picketed outside of the event – in front of the building, in the parking garage, and in the entryway.

They are asking the university and the new president to stop investments into the state of Israel and they say after months of asking, it isn't happening.

"They're handing over power to a man who's not moving on divestment," said Jesse Estrada White, a member of the Hurriya Coalition.

They not only want him to divest but they want them to disclose.

"They say on their investment website that they'll disclose every year," said White. "The last disclosement was June 20th, 2023... and I want to make it clear he's not the sole decision maker here. In fact the decision has to come from the board of trustees, but he can do a lot in terms of supporting divestment and he chooses not to."

While President Guskiewicz addressed the audience, protesters went inside the ceremony, chanting "Kevin Kevin you can't hide, you are funding genocide," causing the program to be temporarily paused.

"Kevin is picking a side and it's clear what side he's on," said White.

At the investiture, Guskiewicz laid out his plans and highlighted several initiatives, focusing on a student-centered campus, inclusivity, accessibility, and global impact.