
Purple Cow on Cantrell reopens after tornado damage

N.Hernandez25 min ago

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – The doors are open, and the customers are returning as Purple Cow on Cantrell reopens after more than a year of being closed because of tornado damage.

For customers like Scotty Cabbiness who lives in the area brunch was the go-to.

"I called her immediately and said 'Hey, let's go to Purple Cow they're open 9 to 2 for brunch, let's go'," Cabbiness said.

Something new with the re-opening is this location is the only Purple Cow to serve brunch every day.

"This is beautiful, they revamped this place," Cabbiness said.

Director of operations Leslie Cotton says after the tornado the big question was if they would stay in the area.

She says they chose to do so because of the community and generations of people who have come through their doors, thanking them for sticking with the restaurant.

"Thank you so much for being a part of our lives and coming and joining us and allowing us to maybe celebrate your milestone, to be part of your big adventures, bring your grandchildren to us, your children," Cotton said.

She hopes everyone will swing by to grab their purple milkshake, a burger and enjoy.

"We are just so proud to be part of this community and thankful to our guests," Cotton said.