
Rain is coming... eventually

S.Brown48 min ago

The area could see some much-needed rain this week. The National Weather Service says some places could see up to an inch of rain by Wednesday. Meteorologist Matthew Campbell says it won't be a drought buster though.

"That could at least pause the worst of the drought," he says.

Thirty-eight counties in Ohio, and another nine in West Virginia, are either in a drought declaration, or next to it.

August and September are typically pretty dry in the Ohio Valley. But this year, they've been drier, and hotter than normal. Campbell says that's just the way weather patterns have set up.

RELATED: Drought conditions could get worse before they get better

The long-range forecast looks better.

Campbell says typically, in October, November and December, there's more rain and snow.

"We could start to see an increase in precipitation as we head into the fall and early winter," he says. "And then if you actually go further north, like north of I-70, there's an above-average chance in the next three months for a little bit of above average precipitation."

Campbell says any rain that falls this week won't end the drought, but it will keep it from getting worse.