
Randall: A murder sentence and other Weedsport news from 1877

R.Davis29 min ago

Again this month I'm resorting to write this column based on the goings-on in the area about this time of year in 1877. It seems to me that there was a tremendous amount of violence in the area as reported in the paper. Let me quote some of the misgivings:

"County Judge Rumsey sentenced William Barr to life in Auburn Prison for 2nd degree murder for killing Keeper (guard) Casler at Auburn Prison. Lester Brothersome was sentenced to be hung on Thursday, Jan. 17, 1878, for shooting Chas. Moon of Ira. His attorney, F.D. Wright, Esq., expressed his belief that the prisoner was insane. Lawrence Riley was found guilty of manslaughter in the 3rd degree and sentenced to Elmira Reformatory for 4 years. Wm. Brown was acquitted of killing James Rooney. Harvey Thorpe was sentenced to be hanged Dec. 7 at Auburn Prison for killing Mr. Howard. And Cora Young who was charged with shooting John H. Barrett was acquitted."

It seems to me that quite a lot of blood was shed in the "good old days."

"I.L. Van Doren and his committee are canvasing the community for contributions of food and vegetables for the Cayuga Orphan Asylum at Meridian. Rev. A.R. Hewitt preached the Thanksgiving sermon at the M.E. Church. Mr. B. DeLong, of DeLong & Sons Metalworks of this village, proposes to erect a 2nd foundry and machine shop in Caughdenoy, Oswego Co. M.C. Remington has returned home from a visit to West Point, Nebraska. Charlie Gildersleeve of this village is teaching school this winter in the district north of Jordan. At the District Court in Auburn H.J. Hartwell, prominent and wealthy, was indicted by the Grand Jury for smuggling a seal skin jacket. Duty on the goods is about $75. Allen Holcolm, Esq. was badly hurt on Thursday by being thrown to the sidewalk on Jackson St. by a loose plank. ... Grand Jurors for next year from the Town of Brutus include: Levi T. Hamilton, James W. Mapes, Chas. Dixon, Myron H. Hill, David C. Howe, Darwin E. Cady, Saml. J. Mack, Wm. Henderson, Milton Rude, Henry D. Brewster, Edw. A. Havens. Jason Prenah, Sylvester Wright and Samuel A. Passage.

"At 7:00 o'clock (no date given) during a rain, the barn owned by Sylvester Wright, Esq. on Jericho Rd. about 2 miles east of Weedsport was burned down, with contents of hay, etc. The barn was 96 X 30 and fully insured by I.D. and H.D. Brown Agency of Weedsport. The Weedsport Marble Works, owned by S.S. Paul since last July has put up monuments for many local residents. Wm. Hayden, one of the best prison officials at Auburn Prison was discharged for informing the wife of a convict when Supt. Pillsbury would probably be in the city. He was removed for little cause!

"S.D. Lee has arrived at his winter home at Jacksonville, Fla. C.D. Hugunin and Company's new band with Rheubottom to do the "calling off" is declared to be the best quadrille band in the county. They played at the Thanksgiving party, got up by Charlie Coyle." And finally, "Thomas Woodward, a vagrant was arrested by Officer Bennett and was sent to the Onondaga Co penitentiary for 3 months by Mr. Justice Parsons for stealing umbrellas."

Denny Randall is a past president of the Old Brutus Historical Society and a member of the Weedsport Central School class of 1957.

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