
RECAP: Chock comes on strong for Joan, Mark finally gets his 'Golden Bachelorette' 1-on-1

S.Brown28 min ago
NEW YORK - The mansion was quiet at the start of this week's episode, but not for long. We got a tight shot of Pascal in his tighty whiteys steaming his clothing. The guys were a bit sad that they were down to just 7 of them. The house was feeling empty. Keith is hoping to get a one-on-one date after his disastrous conversation with him during the cocktail party last week. He said he wasn't himself and he feels that he'll be able to show off who he really is on a date with just Joan.

Gina: It's getting so real for these guys. You know they're analyzing every single interaction. I do love that they're all supportive of each other.

Trista Advises Joan Joan met up with the OG Trista. She said her biggest regret was not sharing with Ryan that she had fallen in love with him earlier on. She felt like she left him hanging. Trista and Joan shared a special moment where she told Joan that her husband John would have been proud of her and wanted her to find happiness.

Gina: First of all, to our LA readers, La La Land has some yummy coffee! Ok, onto the conversation. Trista's take is so interesting and you can see just how much the show has evolved from the first "Bachelorette." Her advice was spot-on and I do think that's what we've seen Joan doing throughout, being more open and vulnerable.

Keith's One-on-One Date The first date card read, "Keith I want a love that gets better with age." Note, that there are no date roses. Joan wants to make the decision on which hometowns to visit after all of the men have had a chance on a date. Mark was disappointed to miss out on that first date. Keith met Joan at a helicopter where they toured the area. She said that his big personality reminds her of her husband John. She's hoping to get to know the depth of him as the date goes on. They swooped by the mansion and the guys waved, but boy, were they jealous! Especially Chock who said he hopes they don't have a connection because he wants to be with Joan.

Gina: The foreshadowing in this episode was epic. Props to the story producers!

Keith and Joan landed in the helicopter at a winery where they did a tasting. They spoke with the couple there about how Keith got the first impression rose and now they were trying to get to know each other. The couple at the winery were married for 32 years and Joan was also married to John for 32 years. It struck a chord. "I could've been them," Joan said. That was like a gut punch. Poor Keith is going to have to do his best to pull her back up.

Gina: You could see the emotional shift happen in Joan. My heart went out to her in that moment.

Mark Struggles At the mansion, Mark was having doubts. He said the loss of his wife still deeply affects him. He said that he feels a connection to Joan but he's losing hope. Mark said he's not sure he's doing the right thing anymore. He cried as he spoke to Pascal and Jordan about his feelings. Get out the tissues. He told a beautiful story about how his wife Denise could put out her hand and hummingbirds would land on her! He said that he saw a hummingbird as he was out walking and it took his breath away. Mark said it's like Denise is telling him that being there is right. He's starting to feel better.

Gina: Aaaand, we're crying. For Joan, the sign is hawks. For Mark, the sign is hummingbirds. This story and the way Mark talks so lovingly about Denise is why Bachelor Nation fell in love with him in the first place. He's just a genuine guy. And his pals supporting him? Just love it.

Keith and Joan Connect Back on Keith's date, he told Joan that he hopes to show her another side of him. Joan said that she already likes the side that she sees. Keith told her about his ex-wife's addiction and how he and his daughters haven't spoken to her in over a decade. He said that he just had to separate them from that situation for their own good. Keith said that he has a lot of emotions and even cries at dog movies. Joan said that she appreciates what a strong man and good father he is. He said that if he gets to take Joan to his hometown she would meet his three daughters and they would do a backyard BBQ. They shared a kiss! Joan worried that her kiss tasted like wine and Keith assured her that it was perfect. He seems like such a wonderful guy.

Gina: Joan rightfully observed that she felt he was holding back and she's glad that he's showing more. He does seem like a great guy.

Group Date The men sat around in the living room anxiously awaiting a date card. There was a knock at the door and Jonathan read it. "Guy, Jordan, Jonathan, Pascal, Chock, our love has no time to spare." Looks like they are bowling, and Mark finally gets his one-on-one date! He is so relieved! Pascal and Jordan jumped up to give him a hug. My goodness, this show is so heartwarming. The guys on the group date worried that their senior aches and pains might make them bad bowlers but they knew it was all in fun!

Gina: I love that they wanted to do stretches to make sure they didn't pull a muscle while bowling! Also, I don't think we realized before this episode just how close Mark and Pascal are!

On the group date, Joan warmed up as the men arrived. She seems like she's pretty good at it. She liked this date because it was an activity that her family would go to do. Pascal was not impressed with the bowling shirt and shoes. But he's a good sport so he wore it and said "Blue looks good on me." He's only bowled once in his life! "I'm not afraid to make a fool of myself," he said. And it turns out, he's not half bad!

Gina: It's not Gucci or Prada, but Pascal did make it work!

Jordan got a strike, Jonathan got a strike, Chock got a strike, and Guy, was maybe a little shaky. He was put off that Chock was coming on strong and on Joan's bowling team, and putting his arm around her. Jonathan said it seemed like they were a couple and they were all buddies. Guy asked Chock to let Joan have some time with the other guys, but he pretty much ignored that request.

Guy slid in when Chock had to get up to take his turn. Pascal decided to play it cool because "It's in Joan's hands." Jonathan said that his mother was on a game show called "Bowling for Dollars" and he took out an envelope full of photos and letters from his family to show Joan. He had a picture of his mom, childhood pictures of himself, and pictures of his children when they were little. Seeing the pictures of his children brought tears to his eyes. Joan told him that he's a pretty incredible human being. They shared a kiss, too!

Guy feels very strongly about Joan and is dying to bring her home. He told her that she is the variable in this experience and in his life that is making him happy. "I have not been this happy in years," Guy said. Pascal said that he would also love for Joan to meet his children so they can give him the thumbs up. Jordan also wants Joan to meet his kids and he tells her that if they do, they will love her. The other guys talked about how Chock was glued to Joan, and they worried that Guy might brawl with Chock.

Gina: This is the one time this entire season that I thought there was going to be some high drama in the house!! But they kinda handled it. Look, I think we all see the connection with Joan and Chock but for the guys, they feel they're still in the game here too. So I get why they'd be upset. But also, if you want that time with her, make that time with her! Chock is taking every advantage that he can. You can't fault him for that, really.

Chock and Joan took some time to talk privately and they shared the experience of how living alone is not what they want anymore. She said that she worried that starting a new life would be selfish but now she wants that. Chock said that he sees a beautiful future with her and Joan said that she feels the same way! They did a lot of passionate kissing! That said, Joan said that she is falling for several men and she wishes she could go to all of their hometowns. Pascal noted that he saw tears in Joan's eyes and that it was going to be a tough decision for her.

Mark's One-on-One Date It was finally time for Mark's long-awaited one-on-one date. Mark had the sweetest smile as he waited for Joan to arrive and pick him up in a red convertible. He said that he had put off dating for years after his wife's death because he just wasn't ready, but he feels he is now. Pascal and the other guys gave him a pep talk and told him he was ready for this! "Keep smiling Mark, you have a beautiful smile," Pascal said to Mark. Aw! Guess who sidled up to Joan as she sat next to Mark...Chock! Did you notice that?

Gina: Yep, noticed! But here's the thing, Chock makes the most of every single opportunity he has in front of Joan, even if it's only for a moment like this one.

Joan said that Mark is very shy and she worries that he might not open up or make a connection in time. Mark and Joan arrived at a yacht and he was blown away! It was beautiful! They sailed off, enjoyed each other's company, and drank some champagne. Then it seemed, silent... Mark! What are you doing buddy? Speak up, this is your moment! Joan said that she's having fun, but they haven't hit an easy flow yet.

Gina: This was so uncomfortable for many reasons. First, we've all been waiting for them to finally get this one-on-one time and perhaps too much has been made of it because of his franchise connection and the fact that she was so happy to see him come out of that limo with Kelsey on the first night. Bachelor Nation definitely has been rooting for them, so it's a lot of pressure. Second, he has said he hadn't really dated since Denise passed, so this had to be a completely strange situation for him. Third, when he had those little moments on group dates or cocktail parties, you know it's a finite amount of time and it's not this long, extended day. Perhaps he is more comfortable in that situation at this point in his life? No matter what, I felt so bad. Like, just say anything!

The captain arrived and gave them a letter from Jesse! He gave them a letter to do a scavenger hunt so that they could learn about each other. Aw! Jesse is awesome - this is the icebreaker they needed! They played never have I ever, it was very PG and they did learn a lot about each other. Joan said to Mark that she really wants to be part of a couple again because it's more fun with someone and she sees herself in that situation in five years. Mark said that he feels his life will flourish due to this show and it's given him the confidence to continue. Joan and Mark talked about the sense of loss they both felt for their spouses. He said that she could always talk to him about that. Joan said it felt good to talk to someone who got it.

Gina: I wondered if the producers had that scavenger hunt kind of at the ready in case things weren't going well? They know Mark, so they know he is on the quieter side and might need a little push to get things going.

Mark described how his wife had the longest hair and that losing it from cancer was hard. He said they really made the most of their time together, but then time ran out. Joan said I don't think that you'll ever fully heal. Then they shared the signs of their spouses. For Mark, it's hummingbirds and he shared the story of the one he saw at the mansion. Joan said that she finds comfort in the signs. She teared up and Mark said that he understood and Joan said that she hopes John never goes away. Mark reassured her that he wouldn't. "To the best day I've had since arriving in California," Mark said as he toasted Joan. He really wants to show Joan off to his kids and show that he's happy. Joan said that she loved learning more about Mark. "I feel like we have a much deeper connection," Joan said. But, "There still seems to be something missing." No!!!!

Gina: Whew, what a rollercoaster! First, we get the emotional conversation about their losses and the bond they have over their grief journeys. Then, we get Mark talking about how it's his best day in California. AND THEN, we get an unsure Joan. I was not quite ready for what was about to happen.

Joan Breaks Up With Mark The guys felt like Mark would be getting a hometown. Yet, Joan showed up and asked to talk to Mark. The other men thought her pulling him aside was good, but alas, it was not. Joan told Mark that she felt something was missing. She couldn't sleep the whole night and said that she didn't see herself in their conversation and she felt she came into it a bit too early for him. She asked him if he was ok, and he said he was. He said he understood that it was her journey and Joan said that she really loves him. "This experience here has really changed me," Mark said. "I'm leaving here I know that I'm a better human being, a better man, a better father." Joan cried about what a great person he was and said he "doesn't have a mean bone in his body." They shared a very heartfelt hug and Joan told him that he's made a big difference to her heart. She just knew that he wasn't the one and that they weren't in the same place yet.

Gina: And this is why we take off all our makeup when we watch this show because we cry it all off! Another teary moment, but just the most lovely conversation. Joan felt bad. She WANTED it to work, she really did. But when you know, you know and she knew. I think this experience is probably going to be more beneficial to his journey than anything else. It was so nice getting to "know" Mark on this season.

Then Mark had to walk in and tell the guys that Joan cut him loose. The guys felt so bad for him! They all genuinely care about each other and I just love that. Mark told them that he knew that no matter who she chose that Joan would be getting a great guy. They all shared their love and Pascal cried. They made a real connection and Pascal said Mark was his best friend!

Gina: Why does Pascal have to make me cry even more?!

Mark packed up his suitcase and talked about how it was an incredible experience but that he just wasn't what she was looking for. Mark said that everything he looks for in a person he felt like was in Joan. He hoped that he would find his great love one day but that Joan would forever have a little corner of his heart.

Rose Ceremony

That meant that Keith and Jonathan were eliminated. Jonathan's eyes looked shocked, and Keith looked disappointed. Joan walked Jonathan out and told him that he made such an imprint on her heart. Jonathan said that he validated a lot of his values and he felt seen. "You are worthy, don't forget it," Joan told him.

This is the first time I think the two one-on-one dates didn't get hometowns! Joan apparently just needed confirmation that she knew these were her final four men.

Next Week It's time to meet the men's children and travel to their hometowns! Joan meets their kids, grandkids, and other family members and it looks like the men are getting anxious for answers!

Gina: The grandchild asking "have you kissed my grandpa" had me laughing. We love a good hometown episode. Can't wait to see Joan and her man take this next step! {/p/strong}{/p/p}