
Richland School Board approves steps for possible elementary project

M.Kim28 min ago

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. – The Richland School Board took two additional steps Monday toward a possible renovation project at the elementary.

The group approved a reimbursement resolution and administrative action to create a special projects account at 1st Summit Bank related to the campus connector project grant funds received from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.

Progress on the potential primary school renovations is slow, and the project is still tentative.

"Right now, we're still in the schematic design phase," Superintendent Arnold Nadonley said.

He noted that the actions taken by the board at Monday's meeting are simply to lay the groundwork for the potential work at the elementary.

Nadonley explained that the bank account is to keep the money received grants and other sources separate and accountable, and the resolution is to allow the district to be reimbursed for some funding spent during the project.

The school directors have discussed a potential upgrade for the elementary for years and took an exploratory step toward that goal in October with the hiring of HHSDR Architects and Engineers to work on a design.

Nadonley said Monday the next step is stakeholder interviews, but that could be months away and the renovations are still not guaranteed.

Other approvals by the board included several safety expenditures.

Those $25,552.42 for Verkada door controllers and licensing from GovConnection Inc. for easier access for first responders and staff at the elementary; $32,927 for Verkada card readers and controllers at the elementary; and $4,300 to Tactical Threat Solutions to plan, build and assist with safety drills at both buildings.

All of these expenses will be paid for through Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency grant funds.