
Rural CF man sentenced to 15 years prison for repeated child sexual assault

V.Lee27 min ago

CHIPPEWA FALLS — A rural Chippewa Falls man accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting a teenage girl over a three-year span was sentenced Monday to serve 15 years in prison.

Josiah Dehusson, 40, pleaded no contest in June in Chippewa County Court to one count of repeated sexual assault of a child. According to the criminal complaint, the sexual assaults began in February 2020, when the girl was 14 years old. Charges were filed in September 2023.

Judge James Isaacson said Dehusson warranted a lengthy sentence. He also ordered 15 years of extended supervision and Dehusson must register as a sex offender.

"In my opinion, this is a pretty aggravated offense," Isaacson said.

Isaacson noted the maximum penalty is 25 years in prison and 15 years of extended supervision. A pre-sentence investigation by the Department of Corrections recommended 10 years in prison and three years of extended supervision. However, Chippewa County District Attorney Wade Newell told Isaacson he was requesting 20 years in prison and five years of extended supervision.

"He is honest to a fault of what he did and why he did it," Newell said. "It gives us insight into his thought process."

Newell noted he was previously charged with sexual exploitation, although he was not convicted of it. Newell listed the variety of sex acts that occurred in the case.

"He stated he hates what he has done to her," Newell said. However, Newell said Dehusson hadn't considered the mental harm he caused to the victim.

"I think the initial recommendation of 10 years of initial confinement pales in comparison to what she has gone through," Newell said. "The community needs to be protected from the defendant as long as possible."

Defense attorney Les Liptak sought leniency for his client. He noted Dehusson entered a plea rather than put the juvenile through a trial. He asked for a prison sentence of five or six years with a longer period of 10 years of extended supervision.

"Josiah is quite cognizant of the fact he's caused damage," Liptak told Isaacson. "He is remorseful, and I think that is evident in the PSI. There is no doubt what he's done, he can ever take back. I think this will haunt him for the rest of his life, as it may well (the victim)."

Dehusson said his actions are going to affect the victim and his family. He said if he could take it back, he would.

"I am sorry for what I've done. I hate myself for what I've done," Dehusson told Isaacson. "And I'm willing to accept whatever treatment is required."

Neither the victim nor anyone in her family were present at the hearing.

Dehusson was given credit for 392 days already served. While on extended supervision, Dehusson cannot have any contact with the victim or her mother.

According to the criminal complaint, an investigator met with the victim's mother on Aug. 28, 2023, where she said her daughter had disclosed to her that Dehusson had been engaging in sexual activity with her at a residence in the town of Lafayette. The sex acts were occurring on a weekly or monthly basis since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. When an officer interviewed the teen, she initially denied the sexual activity had occurred. She later admitted the acts took place. Likewise, when an officer interviewed Dehusson, he initially denied any wrongdoing, but later admitted to sexual activity with the victim.

Judge Ben Lane previously ordered Dehusson be held on a $7,500 cash bond.

Court records show Dehusson was previously convicted of battery in 2003 in Chippewa County Court.