SFD chief provides Thanksgiving safety tips for individuals cooking for the holiday
J.Jones3 months ago
SHREVEPORT, La. (KSLA) - According to mass.gov , there are about twice as many residential fires on Thanksgiving as there are on any other day of the year, and more than 80% of these fires start with unsafe cooking practices.RELATED VIDEO: Here are some tips for flying this Thanksgiving On Tuesday, Nov. 21, KSLA was joined live by Shreveport Fire Department Chief Clarence Reese Jr. He talked about how families can stay safe on Thanksgiving Day while cooking. Specifically, he mentioned why frying a turkey can be dangerous, the importance of having a kid-free zone around the stove, and why it’s so important to clean as you cook. KSLA was joined live by Shreveport Fire Department Chief Clarence Reese Jr. He talked about how families can stay safe on Thanksgiving Day while cooking.
Read the full article:https://www.ksla.com/2023/11/22/sfd-provides-thanksgiving-safety-tips-individuals-cooking-holiday/