
Shop till you drop, but keep it safe

E.Wilson3 months ago

NORTH DAKOTA ( KXNET ) — Black Friday is Friday and some people have been saving their money to get some good shopping deals, but you need to be careful this weekend, and this includes on our roads and in our stores.

This weekend, there are 34% more car crashes than any other time of the year, according to new data from Progressive Insurance.

Also, there will be a lot of crowds on Friday inside and cold temperatures outside, so shoppers need to be patient and dress accordingly to stay safe.

“One, we’re in North Dakota, weather is unpredictable, so make sure you’re checking the weather if you have to stand outside, so we don’t have any issues with getting too cold and having medical issues there,” Mandan patrol officer Justin Janes suggested. “One of the other things we say is to be courteous. There’s a lot of people and a lot of cars. Pay attention when you’re going through parking lots, making sure we’re not running into cars or running into people or things like that.”

Scammers online are also ready to lure you with fake discounts and hyperlinks.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, nearly 34 million Americans have been targeted by cybercriminals while shopping online during the Black Friday sales weekend.

To remain vigilant, just stay on main store websites, delete suspicious emails, and avoid unfamiliar discount websites.

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