Some Things Are Bigger Than Sports: Washington's Kicker Grady Gross Hit The Game Winning Field Goal Today And Was Immediately Rewarded With A Full Scholarship
It is kind of crazy that the starting kicker didn't have a scholarship already, but this is fucking awesome. Sometimes as fans you forget these players have real lives and everything for this kid just changed for the better with one kick. This man is not going to have any college debt now and the whole team is fired up.
I wonder if they had this planned for practice or something because obviously they didn't know he was going to kick the game winner today. I am not sure you can get a higher moment as a kicker because winning the game for your team is already a huge moment and then boom your school is fully paid for. I know Rico says this all the time but somethings really are bigger than sports. All the emotions were flying in that room and you can also see how much his teammates fucking love him. All having one goal and going through life together means a lot and this is why sports will always be the best. As I am crying writing this and thinking about my Mt St Mary baseball team I am happy for this kicker. It does suck for them because Oregon is going to beat the absolute shit out of them next week.