
Something Evil is Lurking on Monkey Mountain Hill in Missouri

A.Walker43 min ago

There are just too many stories to dismiss it as people's imaginations running wild. There is reason to believe that something evil is lurking within the woods on Monkey Mountain Hill in Missouri.

If you're not familiar with Monkey Mountain , it's a hill in Jackson County, Missouri that makes up around 855 acres according to the parks and rec department there. It's heavily-wooded, but is just down the road from urban areas like Grain Valley and Blue Springs near Kansas City.

When you drive down to one of the entrances on ERD Mize Road, it looks like every other gravel road you've ever seen entering a Missouri wooded place.

Within those woods, strange things have happened. Alex shared her stories about Monkey Mountain with Missouri YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory a few days ago and her tales were chilling.

- "We're walking in there and it's very lush with lots of trees...we just had this feeling that we were being watched...we both had this feeling that something was weird".

It was then that Alex and her friend decided to take a picture. She didn't realize that she was about to capture an image of something that really was watching them.

- "I take this picture and in the moment I'm not realizing that I'm capturing what I'm feeling...someone is watching me".

Later, she learned that her experience at Monkey Mountain was not unique. She heard a story about another man who had spotted what he thought was a man standing across from him in the woods. It wasn't long before Alex and her son saw that same...being.

- "We were walking...and we're almost to the end of the trail...out of nowhere...it seems impossible...it seems like this man just spawned out of the ground...he's a pretty far distance away from us...but I can still see him....the only way I can describe him is he was monotone...very robotic."

The man or whatever it was did not speak, but he was walking in pitch-dark conditions.

- "Very strange...when he turned around, he was walking toward us."

As soon as she realized he was walking toward them, he let out a guttural sound. Her son began running back toward their car and Alex soon followed.

- "Years later, I find out that another gentleman had the same experience...he came upon a clearing and he came upon a man with his back towards him...he expected the man to turn around and say hello, but he didn't."

The man began backing up while keeping his eyes on him...he grabs his binoculars and focuses on the man. At that moment, the man or whatever it was turned around and peered at him with what was described as "the most evil looking face he had ever seen in his life".

The advice from many who have had weird experiences on Monkey Mountain say to not go there alone especially after sundown. Something is surely lurking in those woods and it does not appear to be friendly.