
Spartanburg house shot at multiple times with woman, her daughter inside

M.Davis26 min ago

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (WSPA) – A Spartanburg woman and her daughter are lucky to be unharmed after their home was shot at multiple times on Saturday.

According to police reports, at around 10:35 p.m., an officer was called to a home on Westmoreland Street in reference to a weapons offense. At the home, the officer noticed the glass storm door was shattered and a bullet was lodged in the top of the door frame.

According to reports, the homeowner told police she was in her living room when she heard multiple gun shots outside. She told police she laid on the ground until the shooting stopped, then got up to check on her daughter who was in her bedroom.

The daughter was reportedly lying in bed when the shooting happened and was uninjured, though while collecting evidence, police did see bullet holes in a picture frame above her bed, directly above the head of her bed and in her bedroom window.

After speaking to neighbors, police were able to find security footage of the shooting. The footage reportedly shows five unidentified people, four wearing "dark clothing" open fire on the home while standing in the road or on the curb in front of the victims house.

After the shooting, all five people ran away on foot.

According to reports, police located 21 shell casings in the roadway, as well as a gun mounted laser attachment which had been left in the grass.

Police also recovered a bullet from a pillow which had been on the daughter's bed.

The homeowner told police this was the second time her home had been shot at and she did not know who was responsible. She did tell police her her grandson might have been the target of the shooting, but did not give any additional information about him.