
Special Olympics program in El Paso shows how inclusion brings loads of smiles at Top Golf

B.Wilson27 min ago

EL PASO, TX (KVIA) - Special Olympics Texas hosted an event that was the first of its kind called the "Unified Fore Joy Pro Am" golf tournament.

It was billed as the largest day of inclusive golf all around the world, with similar events taking place all throughout the globe, including Top Golf on El Paso's west side.

Dozens of volunteers and Special Olympics athletes turned out to the event.

Corina Lopez, a Hanks High School student, was taking her golf swings with a huge smile.

"It's something I enjoy," said Lopez.

She was enjoying being able to team up with members of the Socorro Police Department, who, along with DPS troopers, also took part in competition, & the "Torch Run" to begin the games.

ABC-7's Paul Cicala , who's volunteered for the Special Olympics for over a decade, was the event's Master of Ceremonies.

El Paso Children's Hospital was also one of the partners in this event.

"We're glad to be volunteering some of our medical services for team members and staff here with us," said EP Children's Hospital's Myra Tellez.

El Paso resident and actor Evan George Vourazeris, who starred in the Netflix series "Ozark", also made a special appearance.

Vourazeris said, "I love what I do. Having down syndrome doesn't define me who Evan is."

Jeanette Thorne, Ex. Dir. West Region Special Olympics Texas, said "Good fellowship, Great competition. Just so they get to know each other, but, more importantly, Bringing awareness for the Special Olympics in the El Paso area."


ABC-7's Paul Cicala , who MC'ed the event, has volunteered extensively for the Special Olympics over the years.

Paul Cicala was even chosen to be part of the support staff for "Team Arizona" at the Special Olympics USA games in Seattle. You can see a mini-documentary he put together on the team HERE.

The Special Olympics are always encouraging people to help out through volunteering or donations.